How do you discipline yourself?

I don't know about you all but I like to plan what I'm going to eat the next day on MFP in order to stay on track. That's the only way I can discipline myself.

So let me know, What works for you?

Happy losing :) xoxo


  • I just remind myself that I never, ever feel better for it when I go wild and eat everything in sight. I always feel emotionally and physically worse afterwards.
  • I do that too! And drink large amounts of black coffee xD keeps me full, energized, and on track!
  • snookumss
    snookumss Posts: 1,451 Member
    I don't :)

    No, really I don't really get to plan ahead for my meals other than shopping midday for my food cart inventory. Thats when, walking through the store I grab something here and there. I think that discipline just takes time for me... I have to talk myself out of everything when it pops up. :/

    Not the most effective, I know, but I AM getting better!
  • Enforcer25
    Enforcer25 Posts: 350 Member
    I usually eat the same things everyday or same group of things, what keeps me disciplined is recording my food in the diary and making it public. The diary has really made me pay attention to what I'm eating.
  • EricMurano
    EricMurano Posts: 825 Member
    I acknowledge that I won't always be disciplined and I don't beat myself up for it.
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    Ahhh , i love love love coffee. I cant skip a day without it
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I do that too! And drink large amounts of black coffee xD keeps me full, energized, and on track!

    Ahhh , i love love love coffee. I cant skip a day without it
  • Always plans my meals the day before.
  • Jacole18
    Jacole18 Posts: 716 Member
    I plan my day before I leave for work. I log everything in my tracker, so I can see my hard work in action at the end of the day. So far so good!! :)
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I usually eat the same things everyday or same group of things, what keeps me disciplined is recording my food in the diary and making it public. The diary has really made me pay attention to what I'm eating.

    True, I never realized how bad the junk were plus I like how MFP give you a hint on how much you will lose if you keep up with the way you eat.
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I plan my day before I leave for work. I log everything in my tracker, so I can see my hard work in action at the end of the day. So far so good!! :)

    good luck !! You can do it
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I don't :)

    No, really I don't really get to plan ahead for my meals other than shopping midday for my food cart inventory. Thats when, walking through the store I grab something here and there. I think that discipline just takes time for me... I have to talk myself out of everything when it pops up. :/

    Not the most effective, I know, but I AM getting better!

    As long as it works for you :) Keep it up
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I just remind myself that I never, ever feel better for it when I go wild and eat everything in sight. I always feel emotionally and physically worse afterwards.

    I wish i felt bad when I go wild, I don't and thats how I gain it all back
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I acknowledge that I won't always be disciplined and I don't beat myself up for it.

    True, gotta have a cheat day
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    Always plans my meals the day before.

    Im glad it works for you too
  • scriehl
    scriehl Posts: 94 Member
    I don't know about you all but I like to plan what I'm going to eat the next day on MFP in order to stay on track. That's the only way I can discipline myself.

    So let me know, What works for you?

    Happy losing :) xoxo

    Never thought of that. That is a great idea! What works for me, is keeping an old pic when I was 'bigger' handy. It reminds me never to go there again.
  • Chaseyk
    Chaseyk Posts: 40 Member
    When I want to go on a evening or weekend binge, I just look in the mirror and say NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!
  • Mguilmot
    Mguilmot Posts: 232 Member
    I already fill in my entire diary the night before. That way I know exactly what my intake will be, and I already know how much cardio I will have to do to be under my calorie goal.
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    When I want to go on a evening or weekend binge, I just look in the mirror and say NOTHING tastes as good as thin feels!

    I should try that
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    I already fill in my entire diary the night before. That way I know exactly what my intake will be, and I already know how much cardio I will have to do to be under my calorie goal.

    That'es exactly why I do it the night before also :) Good luck