In need of some motivation

Hello all ,

I'm new to MFP but i realized that i never continued with my weight loss journey due to lack of motivation & support. Here I am, giving it another shot. I'm reaching my hand out to you guys for new motivators & supporters.

Add me & Let's lose it all together !



  • I am there with you. I have lost a million pounds over the years but always quite at a certain point.
    This time it's going to be different. I am going to do this and so can you!
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Ill addd you! :)

    Anyone else feel free to add me! Ill support and motivate you all :D
  • TheGoalDigger
    TheGoalDigger Posts: 159 Member
    Thank you ladies
  • inkatia88
    inkatia88 Posts: 21 Member
    :) added you!!!!! if anyone else needs some motivation buds feel free to add me too \o/