- how do I successfully see weight loss again?

Still very confused about how many calories I should eat per day. I am no longer following Weight Watchers as it was a nightmare with the new points system. It was basically high protein, lower carb diet and I cannot live without my pasta/rice/potatoes. When I did WW on the old points system I could still have pasta/rice/potatoes and I lost 21lb in 3months (post pregnancy weight).

MFP has me on 1240kcal per day but when I originally followed this I had no weight loss (think I was in starvation mode) which is why I joined WW again as I had great success before. However, another application has said I need approx 1500kcal per day and will see weight loss.

I'm still soooooooo confused (even with reading countless posts about this topic). :huh:



  • johnhowson
    johnhowson Posts: 73 Member
    Be patient it can take a week or two to get going. Exercise as well as dieting and so long as you are in calorie deficit the pounds will start disappearing. This site has definitely helped me - so keep up the good work and it will work out! No pun intended
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    1200 is the bare minimum for most people. If you are active, or have a naturally higher metabolism, or taller, this probably won't be enough to keep your body fueled. I have a lot of weight to lose still and I am keeping at 1200-1450 net calories for the day and having success. I know that after this excessive weight is off that I am going to have to up my calories because I won't be able to support the higher number of pounds in weight loss per week that I can at this higher weight. Is there any way you can figure out approximately how many calories you were eating on the old weight watchers?
  • skinnyminniexx
    skinnyminniexx Posts: 67 Member
    in general, you should eat your bmr (body metabolism rate). there are accurate calculators online. your bmr tells you the number of calories your body burns by extra exercise. if you eat your bmr and then burn calories exercising on top of it, you should lose weight.
  • moushtie
    moushtie Posts: 371 Member
    Maybe the other application has your activity set higher than MFP does? Maybe try reducing the amount you are trying to lose per week to 1/2 lb for a while, just to let your body feel like it has resources available.

    I think you're going to have to try different things for a month at a time, see what works for YOU.
  • I, too, am confused about how many calories I should be having. I have used a few different "reputable" websites to calculate and I get numbers ranging from 1200 (on here) to 1600 or so.
  • Everyone is a little different. Maybe your activity level is higher than you are giving yoruself credit for.Do you know how many calories you were eating on the old points system?
    When I tell MFP that I want to lose 2 pounds a week, it sets me to the 1200, but I just don't have energy when I stick to that, so I manually set mine to 1480. I still lose and I have the energy to make it through the day.
    It takes a little tweaking here and there to find just where you fit in. When you make adjustments though, give it a couple weeks before you decide something is not working. Our bodies are funny, fickle, and tricky things.
  • I know it's hard to understand the process but think of it like this... it takes 3500 calories to gain a lb and it 3500 calories to loose a lb. Do the research and find out what your needs to sustain itself using the BMR under tools. This will give you a general idea of your body metabolism. Then you need to look at what you are taking in, amount of calories you are burning and start from there!

    This can be difficult but when you find out what works for you - it will give you what you are looking for. I started out at 188 and is now 159. Loving the new me!!!!

    One last thing - look for foods that are 0 - 10 calories by cups and eat away. You will not starve and you can eat anytime. Food like green beans, any greens (collards, turnip etc.) Plenty of fruits and vegetables. You have to change the way you eat to obtain your weight goal. I found that I have been able to maintain my current weight and not feel hungry!

    You can do it! :flowerforyou:
    OSC_ESD Posts: 752 Member
    In the beginning it takes time to figure out what works for you, but one fact is simple regardless of who you are ... Burn more than you eat ! Pay close attention to how much you consume, it's not all about calories ... watch those carbs, sugars and proteins ! This is an excellent tool to use to see exactly what is affecting your trends. Stay positive, you have the beginning mindset ... you will need to do some research on what veggies / fruits you choose ... some are " not " very healthy and can sabotage you best efforts. Carbs are a huge downfall ... protein is key. If you can add 4 oz of either Salmon or chicken daily with sweet potato, edamame, spinach, greek yogurt, nuts and an egg. The use of condiments also plays an equally important role ... stick with spices that are minimum in calories and jumpstart the metabolism. Such as cayenne pepper is awesome. We all need " treats " .... use the serving size as your bible. There were days when " treats " were my only salvation ! Try and keep your calorie intake under 1500 daily and really pay attention to the sugars, protein and carbs. This is a long journey, but well worth the ride ! Also ... MOST importantly, EXERCISE daily ! Strength training on arms, abs and thighs is crucial ! If you don't focus on this there will be " loose " skin that is very uncomfortable. Avoid this by weight lifting and limiting your weight loss to a healthy 2 to 3 pounds weekly ... 10lbs a month is perfect ! Best of luck and remember ... determination, hope and faith are key to a happy soul ... everything else in superficial ! ♥