Goals you set

This is what I'm curious about. I want to know whoe has seen better results in weight loss.....
A) The one's who put they want to lose 1 lb per week
B) The one's who put two lbs per week

I hope that makes since. I had my goals set at 2 lbs per week and stayed close to my calorie goal, zig zagging some and sometimes eating my exercise goals, sometimes not. And I've only did alright. So today I've changed my goal to 1 lb a week (recommended it said) and my calories went up so I'm going to see if I do better with that.

But I'm still curious what results everyone else has had! Thanks!


  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    i went with 1lb per week, as i only had about 14 to lose. generally the bigger you are the more likely you will be able to sustain losing more than 1lb per week.