2.5 months in and motivation has VANISHED... what to do??



  • natika33
    natika33 Posts: 154 Member
    Magneticcat, your profile pic is super cute. (^_^) I'm sorry that you feel depressed and lack motivation. I think we all get like that sometimes. A few days being bad is ok, so don't feel too upset about it. Just get back on the horse and start going again.

    Try to remember why you wanted to lose weight in the first place and try to visualize yourself at that ideal weight. Maybe read some of the success stories on this website. If one person can do it, we all can.

    Do you have any incentives worked into your goal? For example, at 10kg I will treat myself to a pedicure, or at 20kg I will by a new pair of jeans? If you have something like the second goal in mind, why don't you buy those jeans now and swear you'll get into them before long?

    I don't think you can or need to add deficits to make up for what you've exceeded, but if you feel really guilty and it makes you feel better, extra exercise never hurt anyone! (^_~) I wouldn't recommend eating less that 1200 calories though.

    P.S. I haven't studied in months even though I really want to be able to pass this one exam within the year. I feel a bit bad, but sometimes we all need breaks. I'm going to start again tonight though. There's no time like the present!
  • GG70
    GG70 Posts: 232 Member
    We ALL have these moments, In fact I lost my own mojo for the past week because it was my birthday and once cake and wine and other treats are involved, I get all messed up and it becomes a vicious cycle. BUT BUT.... I have been have some serious thoughts about how THIS IS THE MOMENT THAT COUNTS.. THIS IS WHAT MESSES ME UP EVERY YEAR! SO now I have more healthy tools, including MFP, to support and encourage and kick my *kitten*.. Do NOT allow a few days or even weeks to mess you up. Listen, It taked 3500 EXTRA calories to gain 1 lb! and it also take a DEFICIT of 3500 calories to LOSE 1 lb.. keep this in mind. Go forward without looking back..

    I like to think of 4 days and you are back on track.. Tell yourself to stay on track for 4 days.. if anything, get your workouts in and give yourself A SHINY STAR for doing that ..place on your calendar.. ( I do that .. and it makes me feel GOOD! So simple).. Perhaps remotivate yourself by shopping for different healthy foods and prepare them in advance.. THIS IS THE MOMENT OF TRUTH.. THIS IS THE POINT THAT YOU WILL PROVE TO YOURSELF HOW STRONG YOU REALLY ARE!! You CAN and WILL do this.. YOU have no other choice! Would you rather give up now and gain it all back or just keep pushing forward and re-establish your health and weight loss? Guess what? Time waits for NOone.. so in 2 months you will have lost so much more weight and feel great OR gain it and get into a cycle of depression/weight gain! Right?? You know exactly what I mean... You are going to feel and look FABULOUS!! GET EXCITED about the CHANGES! The ups and downs will happen along this journey.. happens to every one of us.. HOW you handle it, is the key.. Get past it and get into it!! I will add you so we can help each other! : )