Hello from Virginia!!

My username is "becoming beautiful" in Irish. I'm a twenty seven year old back in school to become an art teacher. I've struggled with my weight my whole life. I was a chubby kid and ballooned more once puberty came on. I am an emotional eater but never realized this til recently (several months ago). I am slowly becoming more aware of the daily fluctuation of emotions and hunger. I joined myfitnesspal because I was not holding myself accountable...I would write down in my journal every other day rather than every meal of everyday. I think I've finally gotten to a point of pure tiredness. I'm tired of listening to the banter in my head before I take a bite, I'm tired of sitting on the couch for endless hours not enjoying the day, I'm tired of starting diet after diet only to fail...it all has to change. I CAN DO THIS!!!

I want to stop feeling bad about myself. I think for such a long time I have used my weight as an excuse to not really put myself out there. I was extremely shy in high school and part of college and at times I still revert back to my old ways. I am always thinking about what others are thinking of me rather than focusing on myself and what's best for me. As I go down the road on this journey my goal is to concentrate on myself for ONCE and take control of my emotional eating, my lack of motivation and truly go for what I want out of life.

I'm looking for ANY support out there!! Good luck to everyone!