Working in reverse...

I realised that I'm working in reverse here. I joined MFP way back in Jan as an app on my ipad, logged, had some success - ran away from it.

Then on and off I logged workouts/meals on it through the summer but never bothered even filling out my profile.

After being diagnosed with PCOS a few months ago, and taking a good look at how I was eating/gaining weight I concluded that I needed to stop making excuses (I'm a full time student again, I don't have time to cook, I am served meals on campus, I need carbs to run) - and focus on getting my health in order.

A couple weeks ago I started working out daily again, and started logging on MFP as well. I filled out my profile and started posting in the forums but never introduced myself!

So, here I am, going in reverse and getting around to Intro'ing myself, "Hi!"

Am 28, living in the UK for the past 10 months, am a runner - last year I ran a half marathon and was signed up for the Liverpool full marathon in October but badly injured my foot earlier this year which has pushed off my full marathon goal to 2012.

Also enjoy kundalini yoga, circuit training, and crossfit. I like to swim, but rarely ever do it.

Have PCOS (as mentioned) and am trying to get back down to the size that a majority of my clothes are in, as well as get to a body fat percentage that is ideal for a female runner. I recognise it is a challenge, and I'm learning that I can't live on the 60% carb diet that is normal for runners if I want to bring my weight back down (was easier when I was running 33km/week!) - but I believe I can do it - with a little motivation from all of you.

Oh, and I'm an admitted foodie, chocoholic and baking fiend (all of which I'm currently trying to keep at bay).

Why mfp? As one of my old running buddies back home says, "sometimes it's not that you're working towards the goal (running) WITH somebody, but to know a friend out there is aiming for the same thing, and in training too, motivates you to work just as hard on your own." So would love to get to know more MFPers/friends and keep motivated!



  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    We're a lot alike! I didn't start running until 5 years ago though, but I've been jogging consistently ever since. PCOS makes losing weight for us THAT much harder... but I'm so glad there are many MFPers on here who can identify with us! Also, I LOVE baking!! Now that I moved out of my parents house, I bake less & still try to give away most of the batch so it's not around to tempt me. Dark chocolate, nutella, peanut butter m&ms, york peppermint patties... all of these are my weaknesses!! What are some of yours??