
I know I shouldn't eat chocolate, or at least not in the quantities in which I eat it! But every day it never fails; I wander to the candy dish, and once I start, that's it! Why do I do this to myself?? I feel awful, my clothes are tight - just love those welts in my stomach from the buttons on my too-tight pants! I know exactly what I need to do, but I don't do it. Help!


  • xAdrianax
    xAdrianax Posts: 269 Member
    Is this candy dish at home? I would say remove it! You can't get tempted if its not there!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    You need to go on a sugar detox of sorts. No candy for a week. I'm the same way with sweets -- once I start, I just can't stop. But if I just don't have any at all for a few days, I no longer crave it.

    My advice is to get it out of the house. If you feel like you need to keep some around for the kids or whatever, keep something that they like, but you don't. Personally, I just keep a couple lollipops on hand for special occasions, but for the most part my kids don't even ask for candy ever since I just stopped keeping it around. I think they get hooked on it just the same as we do, but if they don't have it, they don't want it.
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    Log the chocolate BEFORE you eat it, then you may choose not to eat it or only have 1 piece. Seeing the calories may help you. When it comes to my trigger foods I either log them first and measure out my portion OR I don't touch it at all.
  • alim10
    alim10 Posts: 67 Member
    We do pretty well with not having it at home; this candy dish is at work. When I get tired in the afternoon, that's when I have trouble.
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Im exactly the same when it comes to chocolate or sweets.
    We dont keep it in the house, because as soon as it arrives it is eaten within about 2 minutes of it being there and then there is no more chocolate until some one brings home a huge bar or bag again.
    which is once again all eaten within a couple of minutes...
    I just cant stop..
    Chocolate is so amazing..
    You need to get it out of your house lol.
    If you dont have any you cant eat any.
  • lemonadem
    lemonadem Posts: 398 Member
    Take an alternative snack! Sounds like you need an energy boost in the afternoon
  • myguiltypleasure
    I totally understand. I have the biggest sweet tooth so this was a HUGE problem for me.

    In my case it is a matter of training myself out of the habit. If I can manage to break myself of the habit of eating it by staying away from sweets for a week or two then all of a sudden I no longer crave it. I also find that once I've gone through the "detox" process when I do have one or two pieces of chocolate I don't end up scarfing the whole block!
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    We do pretty well with not having it at home; this candy dish is at work. When I get tired in the afternoon, that's when I have trouble.

    The problem then is that you're looking for a quick energy source. Keep a bottle of water at your desk, along with a healthy snack -- raisins, fresh fruit, etc. Even better, a hard-boiled egg or some other protein source. When you start feeling tired, eat that instead, and get up and take a 10-minute brisk walk around the building to get your blood moving. The candy promises quick energy, but it doesn't work as well as you think it will, which is why you can't stop eating it. So do something else to get you energized. :)
  • ItsMeLori
    Get that candy dish out of site. I always get into the junk my hubby buys when it is in site.
  • CJK1959
    CJK1959 Posts: 279 Member
    Sounds familiar...hmmmm...where have I heard that before? Oh yeah, it's me! :glasses:
    Anyway I agree with the others, get rid of the candy dish. I have and I no longer have cravings for it, but you may be leaving it out because sub consciously you need to know it's there so that you can feel normal with power over the candy. There's nothing wrong with you, but early in you need to remove those temptations so that you don't self sabotage. Out of sight, my friend, out of mind! Good luck!
  • ItsMeLori
    We do pretty well with not having it at home; this candy dish is at work. When I get tired in the afternoon, that's when I have trouble.

    Bring protein bars to work. Those Atkins bars are wonderful.... just like candy
  • rainunrefined
    rainunrefined Posts: 850 Member
    I tend to do this in the afternoons too. Yesterday I had some dry roasted unsalted almonds instead and it worked great!
  • Lotte34
    Lotte34 Posts: 429 Member
    I was EXACTLY like this when i was younger (I am 24 now so i mean when i was living at home) I used to sneak chocolate wherever i could.

    I grew out of it, but only after realising that there was just no point! As much as I enjoyed chocolate there was no lasting enjoyment. Once the chocolate was gone it was gone (other than the lasting impression it has left on my hips and legs).

    Don't deprive yourself of chocolate completely, just remember that you don't need that 2nd bar, you will get just as much enjoyment from one bar.

    If all else fails, look at the nutritional label on the choclate, that should be enough to stop anyone eating chocolate. A mars bar has more than 100% of your RDA of fat!

    Im sorry i can't be more help. If you ever just need a chat, or someone who hsa been where you are, i am always here
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    It isn't about taking away our favorite things, it's about having our favorite things on healthier terms.
    Buy smaller amts of chocolate, or a trick that has worked for me is...don't keep it in the house. Only have it on special occasions or buy one of those really expensive chocolate bars and ration don't want to gobble up $5 worth of delicious in one setting!
    Another option is look for chocolate alternatives...if it's more about the sweet than the chocolate, look for a lower cal sweet alternative or munch on some fruit. Natural sugars seem to quelch my sugar cravings.
    These are just suggestions, but I hope that helps. :) Good Luck!
  • terracotta209
    terracotta209 Posts: 12 Member
    Don't feel bad we all do it.. I love chocolate also and last weekend it was fudge.So everytime i open the fridge i see yummy fudge , I had some for lunch yesterday then did my daughters homework with her and we ate chocolate covered amonds..Then i wonder why when i get on the scale it stays the same..mmm
    Can you move the candy dish? Tell yourself don't refill it ,once its empty..I do that with ice cream and chips, once its gone ,its gone and i try to stay clear of those isles at the grocery store.Hang in there you can do it...
    p.s you can send me the candy in the dish ;-) so its empty.
  • sheneverfails
    Find a healthier alternative that is like candy...

    Try Blue Diamond Oven Roasted Dark Chocolate Almonds (only 160 cal for 24 nuts, I almost never finish a whole serving)

    Nature Valley Dark Chocolate Granola Thins (only 80 calories for one good-size granola crisp covered in dark chocolate).

    Low-fat, low-cal cup of hot chocolate

    Tablespoon of mini semi-sweet chocolate chips eaten one at a time (approx 70 calories).

    Arbonne makes a yummy all-natural Chocolate Fit Chew which is only 30 calories and intended to help curb your appetite and increase energy.

    You just have to find alternatives that you enjoy so that you want that as a treat instead of the candy. :)

    Good luck!
  • Bronc1
    Totally agree with this! Logging it will show you how manys calories is in the full bar which should shock you once you realise how much exercise is involved with burning them off.
  • Bronc1
    I tend to do this in the afternoons too. Yesterday I had some dry roasted unsalted almonds instead and it worked great!
    Totally agree with this! Logging it will show you how manys calories is in the full bar which should shock you once you realise how much exercise is involved with burning them off.
  • alim10
    alim10 Posts: 67 Member
    These are all great suggestions - you guys are awesome! I think I could really do this if I got a few days of "being good" under my belt. It's just getting through the first few days that's hard. I think I also need to find things to occupy myself so I don't just mindlessly put food in my mouth. Liked the suggestion about walking for 10 minutes. I just need to get myself going on this! It's a little annoying too, but I lost 30 pounds in 6 months when I was 30. Now that I'm about to turn 34, and have had a child, the weight just doesn't come off like it used to. I want this to be easy - but it's NOT!!!
  • jwerman
    jwerman Posts: 176
    We do pretty well with not having it at home; this candy dish is at work. When I get tired in the afternoon, that's when I have trouble.
    Ask if the candy dish at work can be removed or filled with something different...low sugar hard candies or such.
    Or walk another way/ down another hall, etc..., if it means avoiding the candy dish.
    And I agree with the others on here who said bring a good afternoon snack and drink plenty of water. YOU CAN DO IT! :)