fruit by themselves

I've been told that it isn't good to have fruit as a snack by itself. As in you should always have something with fruit.. or it will just make you more hungry.

Almost every day I eat the same thing but yesterday I had an apple as a morning snack with nothing else and I was starving the entire day after that. I'm not sure if it's related or not but I was just curious.


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    yes and no, it may still fill you but will spike your blood sugar due to high sugar content. It is best to pair fruit with protein. So have an apple with peanut butter or cheese, banana and peanut butter. Other fruit and a handful of nuts or seeds. Fruit added to Greek Yogurt, etc.
  • Sometimes I eat fruit by itself for a snack. I literally just ate some grapes and nothing else. I have never noticed if I'm hungrier or not because of it. I've never heard that before. I will definitely try and pay attention the rest of the day and see if I'm extra hungry because of my only fruit snack. Haha.
  • I eat a lot of fruit and lately have been hungry all the time , there might be something to your theory
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    yes and no, it may still fill you but will spike your blood sugar due to high sugar content. It is best to pair fruit with protein. So have an apple with peanut butter or cheese, banana and peanut butter. Other fruit and a handful of nuts or seeds. Fruit added to Greek Yogurt, etc.

    Thank you!! We should be friends I see you posting good information everywhere lol

    Also glad to know it makes sense! I was so mad yesterday because I didn't want to keep eating lol
  • TMcBooty
    TMcBooty Posts: 780 Member
    I eat a lot of fruit and lately have been hungry all the time , there might be something to your theory

    try changing it up and see if it makes a difference in your hunger. :)
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I like apple with few chunks of Wensleydale and crisps sometimes. I think the Walkers Baked are less calories than regular.. or Pom Bar teddy crisps are only 97 cals a bag rather than over 100 and not as salty I find.

    I don't know what is the lowest calorie crisps?
  • I eat a lot of fruit and lately have been hungry all the time , there might be something to your theory

    try changing it up and see if it makes a difference in your hunger. :)

    forgot to add that pits and rotties rule!!
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    Fruit never fills me up. I feel sloshy and gross for awhile but am still hungry. Currently I eat mine with a piece of beef jerky...not good if you watch your salt intake, of course.
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Apples do this to me but every other fruit seems to be ok. When I have an apple it gives me indigestion (which make me feel like I need to eat something) unless I eat them with a sandwich or cheese or peanut butter.
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Guess I'm the odd man out. I snack on an apple most every afternoon and it gets me thru to a late dinner without any issues
  • scv4414
    scv4414 Posts: 16 Member
    The only time I eat fruit by itself is on my way out the door to the gym in the morning. I know a lot of people say eat protein before the gym, but if I eat more than just a piece of fruit, it's too much that early in the am. It gives me carbs enough to get some energy for my workout and as soon as I'm done I come back and eat a protein filled breakfast.