High BMI but healthy, is it possible??????



  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    BMNI is nothing but propaganda............another label for government to put on us

    most respectable doctors laugh when its brought up in conversation.........as well as a trainer at the gym is 231 and looks like Arnold Schwanneggers son......solid muscle, little body . Its just more lables that the govt can use on us to group us all together.......forget it, Im considered overweight and Ive never felt and looked better.........
  • michedarnd
    michedarnd Posts: 207 Member
    It's entirely possible. The only problem is that your life insurance rates are likely to change to a 'B' category rather than an 'A' category. :-P I will ALWAYS need to have a higher BMI than my healthy range. For my height, I have a BMI-calculated healthy weight range starting at 92 pounds. YEAH, RIGHT. The last time I weighed that little, I was anorexic. Since I lose by exercise and increasing strength training, I have NO desire to reach that. It's not healthy for ME.
  • _David_
    _David_ Posts: 476 Member
    My bmi is 1 point from being obese! I have a couple pounds I need to drop but no way I am freaking OBESE!
  • Scott613
    Scott613 Posts: 2,317 Member
    <--- 31.7 bmi makes me obese at 13% bf..... scratches head wtf???

    Yeah bmi is missleading!!!
  • brianward81
    brianward81 Posts: 217 Member
    What's the best way to measure your body fat? I was thinking of just getting the gym to do an appraisal because I bought a set of callipers a few years ago but they were crud.
  • jayliospecky
    jayliospecky Posts: 25,022 Member
    I think I posted this before, but I've also read that a few years back the US government arbitrarily changed the BMI "overweight" classification to down to a BMI of 25, when it had previously been 27. So anyone who had a BMI of 26 instantly went from "healthy" to "overweight"' overnight. If this is true, it just shows what someone's opinion of healthy is, and I don't think it sounds like something we should put too much faith in. What bugs me is how much it is used...particularly on the Wii! I love my Wii, but I could do without the BMI lectures!