Think I'm about done with Facebook



  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    I quit Facebook back in May and totally forgot about it. This new Google+ thing is worth checking out. I'm not totally against social networks but don't really plan on friending every possible soul like I did on Facebook. Family is meant to be out of your personal life for a reason.
  • lovinlife71
    I agree!
  • billsica
    billsica Posts: 4,741 Member
    I use fb to keep in touch with all my fat friends.
  • adrian_indy
    adrian_indy Posts: 1,444 Member
    I truly use both sites for drastically different reasons. MFP are friends that I have made with a common goal. I talk about little else on MFP outside of exercise, diet and related topics.

    I use FB to keep up with friends from highschool, college and the military. On there, I talk about entertainment, politics, religion, ect.

    I do not let the two intertwine.
  • hatchet83
    Me too, Ive deleted Facebook! Its full of people I know but never talk too!! I prefer it here!! I may never meet the people im friends with but at least I like them all and there all supportive!!!
  • bikermike5094
    bikermike5094 Posts: 1,752 Member
    I dont think I would accept family friend request on MFP like I do on FB. Worlds collide!!!!
  • DeenaSteelerGirl
    Yes me too. Loving MFP. Addicted... I am.
  • taco_tap
    taco_tap Posts: 152 Member
    I quit Facebook back in May and totally forgot about it. This new Google+ thing is worth checking out. I'm not totally against social networks but don't really plan on friending every possible soul like I did on Facebook. Family is meant to be out of your personal life for a reason.

    ah yes, but you can add them to a circle and forget about them. You name the circle "people who added me to one of their circles, but I want nothing to do with them" they will never know the name of the circle you put them in either.
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    I have am the same way now I enjoy reading postive things not hearing about how awful your life is which is what most people put on FB

    I know! One of my FB friends posted this long diatribe yesterday about how sick he is of everyone filling his news feed with all their complaints about life and how he doesn't seem to get any positive news from people anymore. It really was amazing how many people (mostly women) lashed out at him for simply telling the truth.

    I still use Facebook to keep up with friends from high school and college, as well as relatives who live far away. It's always cool to see what they're up to. But I have also had enough of the changes to the formatting. I don't mind if it's something minor, like when they put the chat bar on the side. That doesn't really affect how I use the site, so whatever. But making major changes to the newsfeeds and not even giving the option to customize it is just stupid. Some people have said "Oh, you'll get used to it." No, I won't. I won't hang around long enough to get used to something that actually makes the site more difficult to use.
  • rocketpants
    rocketpants Posts: 419 Member
    You guys need to get some better FB Friends
  • Lori_menorahlover
    I permanently deleted my Facebook account over a month ago and have NOT missed it one single day. I prefer Twitter and love MFP.
  • emmnat
    I have been officially FB-free now since May and can't believe how much my life has changed for the, education and health. It feels like the weight of the world is off my shoulders (as well as many other places :) The people I need to keep in touch with are all in my phone for human-fied contact!

    ps: I don't have to worry about being snapped twice in the same outfit either ;) *winning*
  • rltolle
    I agree
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
    "its the end of the world as we know it."

    AND I FEEL FINE.......
  • KENNY1957
    KENNY1957 Posts: 89 Member
    I have been officially FB-free now since May and can't believe how much my life has changed for the, education and health. It feels like the weight of the world is off my shoulders (as well as many other places :) The people I need to keep in touch with are all in my phone for human-fied contact!

    ps: I don't have to worry about being snapped twice in the same outfit either ;) *winning*

  • 27strange
    27strange Posts: 837 Member
    I barely touch FB, I have to be really bored and trying to kill time on my phone (waiting on an appt or something) to use it. I use MFP constantly. Leave it up at work and use it on my phone throughout the day. Twitter I have never gotten into it. LinkedIn is kinda cool but I don't hardly use it either right now.
  • Amandamccl
    facebook is kind of boring to me now, now that I have to watch what I say now that my family members which are some kids have a facebook now
  • juleseybaby
    juleseybaby Posts: 712 Member
    FB is about to change - again. Zuckerberg is all about 'frictionless'.

    Scroll to the bottom and read up...

    eta: I am here most. I like G+. I will have to see how the FB changes work out before I decide if I still like it... seems to be even more integrated. A couple of 'scary' features (like people can see where you run and when) but I am sure you can take care of that with privacy settings.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Definitely, once I joined here I was not on FB as much at all...I love the support here, not the constant negativity on FB, that seems like the place to go to complain, lol

  • Cakepiebeer
    There have been many moments latley where i have felt closer to all you strangers and my collection of MFP friends than I do with my friends and family on facebook. I definitely am here more often.