
For along time now i've had a very unhealthy relationship with food, using it as a treat for doing well in something or to make myself feel better. So is there anyone who also felt this way, how do you break the cycle and what now do you use to treat yourself??? I was thinking maybe a weekly pedicure for doing well, i don't do well with cheat days they turn into weeks, i find its better to eat a little bit of chocolate everyday. I've come along way as i used to treat myself with hagen das, pizza and chocolate galore!!!! What non food treats do you reward yourself with??


  • jmelyan23
    jmelyan23 Posts: 1,664 Member
    Manicures, pedicures, hair cuts, massages, a new shirt, DVDs, CDs, books, going out to a movie, etc. I've also heard of people using tattoos or mini-vacations, too. Just find what you enjoy and make it something to look forward to as a treat for eating well and exercising. :)
  • msshuwana
    Shopping!!! :wink:
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Shopping!! Naps! Mani- pedi's , massages. No work out outfit or work out DVD's!! Books!
  • Amatullah1986
    Amatullah1986 Posts: 6 Member
    Great ideas i think mine will be a pedicure!!!! Now i jus gotta look for a place that does them good!
  • Peanutmanda
    I saw something a long time ago it said "Don't reward yourself with food. YOU ARE NOT A DOG" and It really stuck with me.

    So now I use stuff I don't normally buy myself like.. Massages, nails done, new cloths, and well... anything non-edible. lol.