are all calories equal?



  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    While a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead, guess which one is going to hit the ground first?
    In a vacuum, neither. :P
    When the human body starts being a vacuum, let me know. The space between Sarah Palin's ears doesn't count.
    Sorry, but two objects with the same mass will both reach teminal velocity and hit the ground at the same time (asuming there are no aerodynamics in play).

    In theromdynamic terms, all calories ARE equal. In macronutrient terms, of course they aren't.

    If you eat fewer calories than you burn you will lose weight... it may happen faster in some and a lot slower in others, but it will happen.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    While a pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of lead, guess which one is going to hit the ground first?
    In a vacuum, neither. :P
    When the human body starts being a vacuum, let me know. The space between Sarah Palin's ears doesn't count.
    Sorry, but two objects with the same mass will both reach teminal velocity and hit the ground at the same time (asuming there are no aerodynamics in play).

    In theromdynamic terms, all calories ARE equal. In macronutrient terms, of course they aren't.

    If you eat fewer calories than you burn you will lose weight... it may happen faster in some and a lot slower in others, but it will happen.

    Yes, that was more or less my point. There are aerodynamics at play, and macronutrient/metabolic terms count--for some more than others.

    On a side note, and having nothing to do with the quotes, is anyone else a little tired of the "I don't care about how healthy I am, I just want to get thin" attitudes? It might be true to a certain extent, but obviously people care about their health or they would starve themselves, literally. Some people do, but it's not something we condone. Maybe I'm just superstitious but I happen to think that being healthy internally will have an effect on external appearance. On the flip side, I'm also tired of the "ZOMG, you're killing yourself by doing this random thing i saw on a documentary."

    Hyperbole is not our friend.
  • fireman300
    fireman300 Posts: 38 Member
    I never said I didnt want to be healthy, only thin. I m not saying I want to eat junk calories all the time...I would much rather eat a healthy snack such as fruit and the like. I prefer chicken over hotdogs and hamburgers....I simply wanted to know if I had a craving for something once in a while, are the calories essentially the same...first time I post and people who dont know me already making assumptions...BIG SUPRISE