What will you be for Halloween?!?!?



  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I'm going as a "Bond Girl--Gold Bond, that is".

    Scary high stiletto go go boots, a short fringed shirt, entirely NOT age appropriate makeup for a 50 year old, and a walker spray painted gold!
  • malloriewebb
    Fredericks of Hiollywood has an awesome Wonder woman costume!!! Im not gonna lose my 27 pounds by 10/31, but if I did...
  • brandalini
    brandalini Posts: 237 Member
    My son is either being Batman and I'll be Batgirl, or he's being Luke & I'll be Leia LOL cheesy, I know!

    Then, I am also going to a house party and I'm going as Medusa!
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    This is dated a year, but do you remember Prince Poppycock from America's Got Talent? Sharon Osborne called him the male Lady Gaga.

    So last year, I was Lady "bug" Gaga, and my husband was Prince Poppycock "roach." I have pics, if you want to see them. It was a lot of fun. I figured it was too easy to just be Lady Gaga, we included the bugs.

    Another year, I was Mary Poppins, and my husband was Bert. Red Riding hood and the big bad wolf is another fun one. I LOVE HALLOWEEN, but this year I am way toooooo busy in October to deal with it. I'll wear one of my former costumes.

    Of course, I'm involved with community theatre a lot, so I LOVE to dress up in costumes.

    What kind of movies do you like, what hobbies do you have?
  • c2sky
    c2sky Posts: 487 Member
    OH yeah, just for fun....no political statement intended. I have been told I look like Sarah Palin, so in 2008, a couple days before the election, I dressed up as her. There were people standing on the street corner with Obama signs who actually thought I was her. It was one of the strangest days I've ever had. All day people were asking for a picture with me, or screaming at me!
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    I'm making a Little Sister costume from the video game Bioshock.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I'm going to be half angel and half devil.... oh wait...I'm that year around...LOL
  • athenawho
    <<< Velma from Scooby Doo.

    Same thing I am every year because I don't like wearing contacts and the only other fictional character who wears glasses is Daria and when I tell people I want to be Daria for Halloween they always say "who?" so Velma it is...again!
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Well apparently I will be going as a Drag Queen this year. A friend of mine posted some stupid survey on Facebook where you plug the names of your top friends in order into a list of costumes. I joked with her that I was actually going to do it and my 17 year old daughter got wind of it and told me I'd be the coolest dad ever if I actualy did it. So I figured what the hell, why not. And besides what better time to do it then right after I've lost a bunch of weight anyway. Maybe I won't just look like a fat guy in a dress.

    She's already called dibs on doing my makeup.