yesterday i ate so much, what should i do today to balance i



  • 0PhAtDaDdY
    0PhAtDaDdY Posts: 569 Member
    Well if tha'ts you in the Blue Jean Shorts I would not just worry about it! LOL
  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    Please eat more than 600 calories today!

    This happens to people all the time, so don't worry. Most of the time, it jumpstarts your metabolism and you start losing more after because your body is getting rid of all that extra food and then some. =)

    (This happens of course for people who are very committed to the program and don't overeat on a regular basis.)

    I'm hoping this is true. I've been having a little plateau. Today I'm eating like 2500 calories. and dropping back to 1500 tomorrow, hoping to jumpstart my weight loss again. I have a feeling I'll be up tomorrow due to sodium, but hoping it will drop quick.

    To OP, I agree just eat normal today and exercise and it should even out.

    Yep! It's funny how it works, but if you don't try the trick too much I think you'll see great results. You'll probs see a teeny gain tomorrow and then a little loss the next day. =)
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    As I said, don't weigh in each day. Bit pointless after a big refeed as the scale is a liar :tongue: