Friends and Motovation Needed

Hi Everyone!!! I'm new to this enough I don't even know how to add friends :)

Earlier this year I decided to attempt, once again, my weight loss goal. I've noticed over the last month or so my motovation is GONE. I need to get back into my workouts and journaling my food. I found this app and thought I would check out the website. I'm hoping this website/app will help me get back on track. From what the reviews say, this app is great for food journaling.

I'm looking forward to meeting some great ppl on here and with the support of each other I KNOW each and everyone of us can do this!


  • tinahalliday
    Welcome...I've sent you a request to add me as a friend!! Good luck on your journey!!!
  • ConnieSG
    Welcome to MFP!! This is an awesome site with a lot of great encouragement as well as a lot of great information. Feel free to add me if you would like. Good luck to you on your weight lose journey.