Bum knee with my first half only 3 weeks away!

Ok so my first half marathon is only 3 weeks away and tonight my right knee is a MESS! It started on my long run last Sunday and I can't seem to get right. I am on the bubble as is, as far as my training is concerned; I don't want to not do it but I don't know what the best course of action is. Do i rest it? Push through it? I don't want to show up race day and not be able to finish because I didn't train enough, or be in total agony the whole time! Help!!:sad:


  • scraver2003
    scraver2003 Posts: 528 Member
    REST! Don't push through - or you could end up with an over use injury. Rest a few days. Stretch. Then try again in a day or two. See if it gets better. You could also go see a Dr. See if you should get a stretchy support thingy for your knee?
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Can you get to a physiotherapist??
    I had problems with my knee earlier in the year that seem to be recurring now. I had tendonitis so the physio showed me how to release the problem tendons and how to strap it (using what I call miracle tape but they call Rock Tape) so I could keep running.
    All may not be lost, but seek professional advice as soon as you can!
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    See your doctor, or chiropractor TOMORROW!!!! Don't wait. I was having pain after a run that didn't go away with the RICE I tried so I went in and it was a very tight IT band. After some stretching and therapy it's SOOOOO much better! I've been able to continue training and come Saturday I'll be running my first ever half!

    Do NOT keep running if you are in pain. This could be a make or break decision... but get it looked at asap!!!!
  • KimertRuns13_1
    Rest and get to the dr. You do NOT want to push through the pain and cause further injury.
    Big hugs! I know this has to be devastating so close to race day BUT maybe if you rest and get good news from the dr the race won't be out?? And perhaps if it is, you can transfer your reg fee to next year or another race?
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    I had a miserable long training run Saturday and discovered that it was the shoes...I am now happily wearing my new shoes for ALL my runs, not just the short ones...make sure you've got great shoes, and if that is not the problem then definitely check in with your dr. If your first half is 3 weeks away, you (according all the training runs I've been looking at) probably should be tapering at this point down to shorter runs....hopefully that will all help...
  • CassandraD82
    CassandraD82 Posts: 71 Member
    I agree - REST now and go to a Physiotherapist tomorrow. Don't wait until the pain has gone away before consulting a professional - do it now and not only will you find out how long you need off to fix it, but you might find out how to prevent such an injury from happening again.

    I got into a recurring knee problem and after each training session had to ice it to try and bring the knee inflammation down because I didn't want to give up my immediate fitness goals. Honestly I would recommend stopping all training (and putting off your first half marathon) to take care of your knees first.

    Permanent damage now will affect all your future goals - not just your upcoming half marathon!