Is it only me

Thats getting addicted to MFP? Ever since I signed up here there is not 1 day passing without me login in. As soon as I might be over my calories even if its just by a little bit all I want to do is hit the gym...Is that normal????


  • kagome5555
    kagome5555 Posts: 35 Member
    I feel the same way! Even if I'm still under my calories but only by a little, I wanna work out! It's a really great motivator! Oh boy, and if I over and can't make it up, I feel so bad ):
  • Fatchickslim
    Fatchickslim Posts: 396 Member
    me too it's definately become a obsession.
  • yukimiyazawa
    yukimiyazawa Posts: 83 Member
    I'm definitely addicted. As soon as I eat ANYTHING, I have to log it in my diary. But I also have an eating disorder, so it's probably a little worse.
  • For some reason, I think the thought of keeping our profiles in MFP in top shape is now important to us. We have been given limits and the thought of our lapses or over calories being announced in the wall feeds scares us! plus now that we are tracking keeps us aware that we are eating more than what we need--and that is a good thing because it motivates us to stick to our calorie goals and loose weight! We are all influencing each other! I love being a member of MFP! wohoo!
  • Dreamer1311
    Dreamer1311 Posts: 203 Member
    I am kinda afraid of developing an eating disorder because of it :-S
  • No, you're not the only one :) Since I joined in June, I log in everyday. This is a great tool and a glad I found it. I was never successful in losing weight before on my own. The support from the friends here is amazing. I think seeing everyone else working so hard toward their goals make me want to try harder too.
  • chatterbox3110
    chatterbox3110 Posts: 630 Member
    I find MFP a great tool as by logging everything I eat I can see where I may be going wrong, and its certainly helped me to reduce my portion sizes.

    Its certainly keeping me motivated!
  • george_ie_girl
    george_ie_girl Posts: 120 Member
    Yep! I'm also an addict! I love seeing the projected weight loss thing - it's the main reason I log!
  • Navallez
    Navallez Posts: 433 Member
    You are not alone...I have been hooked on this for about a week, as soon as I eat I coming running to the computer to log my food... I love it!
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    I log on about 20 times a day, on for about 4 hours a day, at least
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    I must admit I'm finding MFP easier now I've got my head around the maths! I haven't managed to eat my full net calories yet especially if I exercised but I'm getting closer!

    Today is a rest day as my legs are killing me and shoulders from yesterdays 2 workouts.. and i didnt log the second.. really it wasn't planned as I had done my one workout then a new game arrived.. so I put it on to work out which exercises I could do to make up a 30-45 mins sessions for my next early morning workout and ended up playing on it for about an hour!

    Today I'm not doing any and concentrating on just managing to eat 1200 calories.

    I had hard time understanding how eating more calories can equal losing weight so have been under for a while (over a year) I think my body is still stuck in starvation mode.

    I've been reading the debates about why you should eat your calories back which they usually tell you not to do on another sites so you create a deficit, but they usually give you an higher number, so I think MFP has already included a deficit with the 1200 it gave me?

    I'm hoping to manage to log my food everyday now and have more days of meeting my net targets!!! I'm just scared if eating more will mean my weight will go up nstead of down?
  • shakybabe
    shakybabe Posts: 1,578 Member
    p. s. where do I find my 'projected weight loss thing'?
  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    p. s. where do I find my 'projected weight loss thing'?

    When you complete your food diary for the day it tells you "if every day were like today, you'd weigh xxx in 5 weeks"

    Some people find it is accurate for them but others not so much. It has usually been pretty right on for me tho. (give or take a few pounds)
  • Monanik
    Monanik Posts: 150
    I feel the same way I workout 5-6 times a week and on a rest day I feel bad/lazy but I know my body needs it! Its a good obsession though!