Please can someone explain this to me....

This week I have started the 30DS (Tuesday) I have done this for 4 day so far. I have also been running, and walking for at least another 20 minutes a day. As well as this I go onto the IFIT which is a vibrating plate thing for circulation and improve cellulite for another 10 minutes.

This week I am in total 245 calories under my allowance.

So why have I put on 1.2pounds? It cant be muscles as I havent only been doing the shred for 4 days! It cant be the food because I am under and it cant be my cardio cos I do plenty! So can someone tell me why becasue right now I am breathing fire! :-)


  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    Probably retaining water for some reason. Possibly not drinking enough water and/or eating too much sodium?
  • rolliepollie087
    rolliepollie087 Posts: 251 Member
    ^^ What killagb said, are you getting enough water? I aim to drink half of my weight in ounces.

    Edit:: Also, are you eating enough calories?
  • KristinC4
    Have you exercised / dieted this hard before? You could have just shocked your body and now it is going crazy trying to store whatever it can because it thinks you are starving. Don't worry, it will pass. Drink your 8 glasses of water a day, continue your exercise and diet and the weight you have gained will disappear. You will see results. Good luck!
  • Monanik
    Monanik Posts: 150
    It may sound weird but u may need to actually eat more! If you exercising a whole lot u need to eat /hydrate and replenish! Also how is your sodium intake/carbs etc. Sodium alone can make u hold onto extra weight!
  • splackk
    splackk Posts: 163
    Don't burn anything up yet!

    Many people have noticed after working long and hard (are you sore still?) they put on weight. From what I've heard, this is additional water being used in repairing the muscle or something of the sort- there's an old discussion on it here that may make for an interesting read:

    If you keep with it and allow your body to acclimate itself, it should drop right back off after a bit, with the benefit of a healthier and more toned you underneath!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 588 Member
    Don't burn anything up yet!

    Many people have noticed after working long and hard (are you sore still?) they put on weight. From what I've heard, this is additional water being used in repairing the muscle or something of the sort- there's an old discussion on it here that may make for an interesting read:

    If you keep with it and allow your body to acclimate itself, it should drop right back off after a bit, with the benefit of a healthier and more toned you underneath!

    This in my experience is spot on, im on day 4 too and have been on long cycles / weight training, every muscle is sore and therefore in my mind, full of water while theyre fixing the place up. The scales reflect this for me too.

    Weigh in again once the aches calm down.
  • littlemisskitty24
    I couldn't agree more with the two people above. If you get DOMS - Delayed onset muscle soreness, is basically when you give your muscles a really good work out, they inflame and protect themselves with water to try and repair. It is normally why people give up exercising. Rule of thumb, stick with a healthy eating plan, boost your water intake and carrying on exercising and it will sort itself out.

    A friend of mine uses the 6 week rule of thumb for exercise, she is a fitness instructor and been in the industry 12 years and swears by the above piece of advice.

    Stick with what you are doing and arm yourself with a measuring tape as well, as you will see inch loss first probably, rather than scale loss. Remember to lose a lb of fat you need a calorie deficit of 3,500 calories, if you lose that lb of fat and replace it with a lb of muscle, you will stay the same weight, but be leaner.

    Don't give up, the scales will eventually catch up, or you will find your losing inches, so keep up the good work.
  • lilyinlove
    lilyinlove Posts: 441 Member
    Don't burn anything up yet!

    Many people have noticed after working long and hard (are you sore still?) they put on weight. From what I've heard, this is additional water being used in repairing the muscle or something of the sort- there's an old discussion on it here that may make for an interesting read:

    If you keep with it and allow your body to acclimate itself, it should drop right back off after a bit, with the benefit of a healthier and more toned you underneath!

    Yes this. Don't worry you will lose it again as soon as those muscles are healed up.
  • sugarbone
    sugarbone Posts: 454 Member
    when you start a new fitness routine, your muscles retain water weight as they repair. it will fall off soon until you boost your intensity