Question on my calories, please help!

Hello again :smile: I'm new here and just created my health and fitness profile. I have a few quick questions on a few things. First, I have 80 pounds to lose, and I'm afraid that my needed caloric intake may be too high for me. I really do not eat that much, I never have. I'm not eating below 1000 calories or anything, probably around 1,200 a day. I am currently 220 pounds and they want me to consume 1,700 calories a day, did anyone else encounter this when they joined here? Were you confused about it as well? I'm not sure, should I actually up my caloric intake and change my food choices to lose the weight?

Thank you!!!


  • chul15
    chul15 Posts: 9
    Hello again :smile: I'm new here and just created my health and fitness profile. I have a few quick questions on a few things. First, I have 80 pounds to lose, and I'm afraid that my needed caloric intake may be too high for me. I really do not eat that much, I never have. I'm not eating below 1000 calories or anything, probably around 1,200 a day. I am currently 220 pounds and they want me to consume 1,700 calories a day, did anyone else encounter this when they joined here? Were you confused about it as well? I'm not sure, should I actually up my caloric intake and change my food choices to lose the weight?

    Thank you!!!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    YES. You need to eat the entire recommended amount. Please read these invaluable links posted by some really smart past and present members.

    And Welcome to MFP. :flowerforyou:
    Share your stories with us and ask anything! We love new faces. There are many people here who have lost the amount you are trying to lose. The first link you will see (above) is "THE answers to THE questions." Viviakay lost 85 pounds and she is a really good person to get to know. Visit her blog and read some great thoughts.

  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member

    I know how confusing it all is. But please listen to me and trust me when I say that you should definitely be eating more. 1200 is sort of a guideline to go by when you join but the calories you eat should be based on your weight and your activity level.

    Also, if you are only eating 1200 calories, you have nowhere to safely lower them should you hit a plateau or something. And if you exercise and burn calories, try to eat some of those back. Your metabolism THRIVES on being fueled correctly and that happens by both eating less BUT eating ENOUGH. If you eat too few calories, your metabolism slows down.

    Sometimes finding the right amount of calories for you is a trial and error process. Each body will react differently. But you will be surprised at how much you can eat and still lose weight.

    Just try it out and see what happens!

    Good luck!
  • chul15
    chul15 Posts: 9
    thankyou very much that helps to know what i should do :smile:
  • janiebeth
    janiebeth Posts: 2,509 Member
    Ditto to what has already been said.

    Also, check the tickers (not mine - I just got started) - people on this site have done amazing things by following the plan.

    Good luck.. janiebeth
  • callme911
    callme911 Posts: 68 Member
    I also have 80 lbs to lost. I first went to my doc and asked what would be a good range. She gave me a range as follows:

    Calories: 1500-1800
    Carbs: 100-135
    Fat: 40-60

    I adjusted my goal page to reflect that. So far, (only one week) it has worked out great!!!

    I used to only eat about 1200 calories a day as well. I was worried about what she said, but how she explained it to me convinced me to give it a shot. When I signed up on this site, I then read some articles that explained it as she did.

    Just remember to GET ACTIVE!

    Good luck!
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,131 Member
    I also have 80 lbs to lost. I first went to my doc and asked what would be a good range. She gave me a range as follows:

    Calories: 1500-1800
    Carbs: 100-135
    Fat: 40-60

    I adjusted my goal page to reflect that. So far, (only one week) it has worked out great!!!

    I used to only eat about 1200 calories a day as well. I was worried about what she said, but how she explained it to me convinced me to give it a shot. When I signed up on this site, I then read some articles that explained it as she did.

    Just remember to GET ACTIVE!

    Good luck!

    Welcome Callme911! Thanks for sharing that! It really DOES work.

    Age, weight, and activity level are all part of the puzzle, like Tami said (check out her 134-pounds-lost weight ticker!). If you try it this way for a month, and you aren't losing - amazingly the recommendation is to INCREASE your calories first by 100 or so at a time until you start LOSING weight.

    Myfitnesspal will adjust your numbers accordingly as you lose weight, so keep your GOALS and SETTINGS current.
  • cbrooks66
    cbrooks66 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm losing 20 pounds and my caloric intake is to be 1200 calories; however, when I exercise it will add on more calories - In other words, you'll see this will adjust according to your output. Sometimes it's 1200 for me, sometimes its 1400 depending on my work out...