Exercise video suggestion?

Looking for a video to add to my exercise routine! I wanna SWEAT!!!


  • Givemewings
    Givemewings Posts: 864 Member
    It has to be 30 day shred!
  • zakku1
    Have you been working out before?

    If you haven't tried any Jillian Michael's videos, I'd recommend the 30 day shred, and then move on to ripped in 30, banish fat boost metabolism, and no more trouble zones.

    Good luck!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Depends on how new you are and what you like. I personally hated 30DS (and anything with Jillian, really), but I love Biggest Loser videos when Bob's the trainer. These are more for a beginner to working out, but they're very good. If you don't want your workout to feel like a workout, try Turbo Jam. It's a bit more fast paced than BL, but it's more fun and you can learn the moves pretty quickly. If you're more advanced and looking for a challenge, Turbo Fire, ChaLEAN Extreme, or Insanity are all really good.
  • strivingforhealth
    THANKS! I usually run and spin for my workout, but Im getting a little bored and I am looking for a real CHALLENGE!!
  • fridayjustleft04
    fridayjustleft04 Posts: 851 Member
    Sounds like you need some strength in your workouts. Try ChaLEAN Extreme for that. Turbo Jam also has a strength workout, and even Biggest Loser has a sculpt DVD.