BMR question, anyone help?

So...This site calculates my BMR at 1,652..which is what your body burns basically just to stay alive. When I signed up, it told me I was allowed 1,200 calories a day..will that not put my body in starvation mode?? Confusion, anyone help?


  • staceyseeger
    staceyseeger Posts: 778 Member
    I am not at all sure about the calculations on MFP. To satisify my curiousity, I am going for Body Comp testing today to see if they are accurate.
  • The 1200 calories is based on what you set as a weight loss goal - how many pounds per week. MFP won't allow you to go under 1200 NET calories per day. So if you burn 500 calories in exercise, you would EAT 1700 calories that day (1700 - 500 = 1200 net cals).
  • tiggerbounce411
    tiggerbounce411 Posts: 401 Member
    Thank you for clarifying that. Now I understand what it is..thank you much!