Boys fix things, girls need things fixed.



  • ohwhataday
    ohwhataday Posts: 1,398 Member
    Almost the exact opposite in this household!! wowza
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    My husband is going to be so happy that I'm going to stop mowing the lawn and unclogging drains. Cuz that's all boy stuff!
  • Pangui
    Pangui Posts: 373 Member
    I guess it must be true. I am a structural engineer and I still cannot fix things.
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    I wish I could keep house. My place looks like a bomb went off in here!!
  • otr12
    otr12 Posts: 632 Member
    Sometimes I pretend I can't open jars and hand them to my husband.
  • MrBrown72
    MrBrown72 Posts: 407 Member
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    How have we so slipped back in just 40 years? :ohwell:
    Now where is my sammich?

  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    No Sammich for you, you're on a diet.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    Sometimes I pretend I can't open jars and hand them to my husband.
    That's sweet. My wife has, on occasion, asked me to get a spider that she could have handled herself. I usually flex first and grunt while taking the spider outside.
  • SiltyPigeon
    SiltyPigeon Posts: 920 Member
    I like it.
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    Sometimes I pretend I can't open jars and hand them to my husband.
    That's sweet. My wife has, on occasion, asked me to get a spider that she could have handled herself. I usually flex first and grunt while taking the spider outside.

    That is so cute! :laugh:

    Edited to add the smiley.
  • TamTastic
    TamTastic Posts: 19,224 Member
    Sometimes I pretend I can't open jars and hand them to my husband.
    That's sweet. My wife has, on occasion, asked me to get a spider that she could have handled herself. I usually flex first and grunt while taking the spider outside.
    :laugh: :laugh: love it

    I hate spiders!! :sad:
  • savethecat
    savethecat Posts: 290 Member
    Sometimes I pretend I can't open jars and hand them to my husband.

    I tried to explain to my coworker the other day that most of time when women let a man do something physical for them it's not typically because they're not capable as much as they want the man to feel special... or they're just feeling lazy and milking that "weaker sex" bit.

    I was hoping I wasn't letting out a secret of the girl code by telling him that.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Sometimes the jar really is stuck.:blushing:

    And sometimes I just need to remind myself that it's ok to ask for help now and then.
  • LettyM62
    LettyM62 Posts: 130 Member
    The last one is wrong, I'm the one that fixes things around the house. LOL!