check out my diary

i started MFP is january 2011 at 130lbs. my HW was 150lbs. i lost 20lbs through exercise alone and then joined MFP because i wanted to lose some more. My GW is 120lbs. ater joining MFP i lost 5lbs in about 2 months ( got down to 125lbs). then one day i was back up to 128lbs without changing anything. i went on vacation to mexico in april and gained weight (got up to 135lbs). when i got back i started to workout again and eat right. I have since then eliminated alot of processed foods, white starches, started drinking more water, and started to workout more. i used to just walk and do zumba now i do those plus run and lift weights. i got back down to 130lbs within a week, BUT no matter what my weight stays at 130-131lbs now! what gives? you can look at my diary and give suggestions. should i just not worry about it? i just dont see how i can do all this and not lose. my BF says i have a problem and i am to concerned with working out and the number on the scale but it is so frustrating to work so hard and not lose anything. I also thought it was because i was eating a majority of my calories at night so i started to spread them out more during the day and i now stop eating at 8pm. today is day 9 of this and still nothing. HELP ME!!!!!!!


  • how tall are you? maybe you're meant to be around 130?
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    i am 24yrs old and 5'7. i personally do not see how you can be meant to be a certain weight. if you workout and eat healthy and less calories than you burn then you should lose
  • AshleyLauren589
    AshleyLauren589 Posts: 139 Member
    When you're taller your body needs more calories to function - to figure out how much you should weigh they typically say you start at 100lbs and add 5lbs for each inch above 5'0" you are, so at 5'7" your ideal weight would be 135. Your body wants to be at a healthy weight, if that wasn't the case you would see people continuing to lose weight down to nothing.

    It's definitely frustrating, but if you really do want to lose an extra 15 lbs below your 'ideal weight', it's going to be a lot harder for you.
  • lisacornell
    lisacornell Posts: 29 Member
    It looks to me like your daily calorie goal is set too high. I would think that it would be set at 1200. So on a normal day you would eat 1200 plus your exercise calories, which on one day you should have had 1781 but consumed more than that, even though MFP said you were under quite a ways. That would explain why you are just maintaining instead of losing. How do you have your profile set up?
  • craig1768
    craig1768 Posts: 44 Member
    I am not a dietician, so before someone goes and shoots me in the face over this... don't.

    I noticed that 55% of your calories are coming from carbs. Everyone loves carbs, but generally when trying to increase mass and reduce fat, the goal is to increase your proteins to a level that is equal or greater that your carb intake.

    Along with that thought... the more muscle you have.. in theory the more you lean down. But as other will tell you, leaning down does not equal dropping pounds.

    You can lose two inches off your waist without dropping a single pound.

    Thats my ten cent advice.
  • i am 24yrs old and 5'7. i personally do not see how you can be meant to be a certain weight. if you workout and eat healthy and less calories than you burn then you should lose

    5'7'' is on the taller side (jealous i'm only 5'5'') so you would most likely be around the 130-135 mark. if you want, tone up, it's make you look smaller and leaner w/o being underweight?
  • Jessicaruby
    Jessicaruby Posts: 881 Member
    It looks to me like your daily calorie goal is set too high. I would think that it would be set at 1200. So on a normal day you would eat 1200 plus your exercise calories, which on one day you should have had 1781 but consumed more than that, even though MFP said you were under quite a ways. That would explain why you are just maintaining instead of losing. How do you have your profile set up?

    i am set to lose 1/2lb a week as i only have 10lbs to go. i have a body bugg and i burn anywhere from 2200-3000 calories a day. i would need a 250 calorie deficit to lose my 1/2lb and i am always well below this