What was the straw...



  • catlover98611
    catlover98611 Posts: 38 Member
    One day in Nov I woke up being sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. My kids were seniors in high school and I wasn't sure I wanted to be around to watch them graduate, let alone grow up and go to college. Thank God I found a wonderful program when I did that addressed the weight issue first so I felt like a woman again and not a beached whale, then came the real work...UGH... Happy to say both girls are in college and I'm looking forward to that graduation day!!!
  • learnbygoing
    learnbygoing Posts: 103 Member
    Realizing that I was one pound away from being listed as overweight. Obesity is a trend in my family, and I never want to get as large as my parent/grandparents did.
  • SmangeDiggs
    SmangeDiggs Posts: 238 Member
    Realising i had no photos of me with my newborn because i deleted all the ones that i ''looked'' fat in...well when you are fat of course you are going to look fat....duh
  • I was asked by a lady at my church if I was pregnant. I'm unmarried and seeing a gentleman in the church, I became fearful that if she thought we were doing things to get me pregnant someone else might and that it would cause him to have to step out of his many roles in the church. So I got motivated to protect our reputations and reaquire what I had lost.... a healthy weight and my previous wardrobe!
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    can;t post pics :(
  • Many things...the scale is reading the heaviest number I have ever seen for me...I feel awkward sometimes around my boyfriend who recently lost weight...looking in the mirror and not recognizing myself...seeing pictures from vacation and wondering, do I always look that round?

    Mostly, being habitually sick because my immune system has weakened due to obesity.
  • PrincessStubbie
    PrincessStubbie Posts: 109 Member
    You would think when I stepped on the scale after a very long time and seeing 303 that I would hit it hard and heavy...I lost 20 pounds, but put it right back on again.....I had been hovering around 300 again, but still nothing...my husband was diagnosed with diabetes back in August and so our whole life has changed...for the better! I follow his food plan now and the rest is history...I am not hitting 300 again!
  • auntbyte
    auntbyte Posts: 32 Member
    Great question! It's good to keep my reasons for being here fresh on my mind.

    I didn't qualify for a weight loss program because my blood work revealed SO many things wrong. Went to the dr., showed her this lab work and her response was "we just can't determine WHEN you'll have a heart attack" (!) With a really strong family history of heart disease and the scales off the charts, I started searching for help. Epicurious.com voted this website the best app.......and I was off and running!......er, rather, limping along. I don't know what it is about this program...maybe it's having to be accountable for every single thing I put in this old, beat up body. Touch wood, I'm averaging a 2.5 lb. loss per week (and my goal is 1.5).
  • DannyMussels
    DannyMussels Posts: 1,842 Member
    After field placement in Lima, Peru, saw some pics uploaded by friends in college from our trip, and I looked terrible.

    We landed on the night of my 24th birthday.


    Here's a pic from that day, birthday party on the roof of the Roosevelt hotel.

    Realized how terrible I looked. Funny it takes someone elses photos or 'perspective' to make me realize it.
  • KazziaLlewellynn
    KazziaLlewellynn Posts: 127 Member
    I've been obese most of my life so that honestly didn't bother me, until a woman I know who is having a baby soon told me that her doctor put her "at risk" during her pregnancy. It was sad to realize that my weight could severely affect a child I want so very badly. God made me to be a mom. I don't want risk hurting my child, or dying young because I wouldn't change bad habits and laziness.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    insulin resistance
    high cholesterol

    not being 40 yet

    worse still is having to go into a plus size store to find something that fit. This from a former gymnast!
  • AshDHart
    AshDHart Posts: 818 Member
    Husband having a blood sugar reading over 300 and me being put on oxygen full time. The perfect storm so to speak hit health wise and that was all it took. He has lost 66 lbs and I am down 60!
  • hafdis
    hafdis Posts: 43 Member
    After having a baby, 2 yrs later still not hitting my prepregnacy weight... For me having a baby made me aware of my mortality.. not in a horrible way but realizing that I want to be there for her as long as I possibly can!!
  • having my 5 year old continually pat my tummy and giggle and say I was getting fat. Lucky he is cute! And unfortunately right...
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    It was the 5th of February 2011 and I was about to step into the shower when I happened to glance in the mirror in front of me.
    Imagine a rather small boned woman with a perfectly round 34" belly with that sort of division down the front-frontal buttocks if you will. Yup that was me. I cried a lot that day and the next day I started C25K.
  • gpbaldwin03
    gpbaldwin03 Posts: 44 Member
    After 2 years of my wife nagging me (thanks hun) to go get a sleep study done because I would stop breathing at night, I finally went to the doctor. Of course, you have to get on the "dreaded scale" first. As I approached it my mind began to think of the worst possible scenario. "I bet I'm pushing 400", I said to myself. Then watched in horror as it ticked up to 485. Holy *kitten*! That's almost a quarter of a TON!

    That was the straw. That was 3 years and 102 lbs ago. It's gonna be a long process, but I'm going to be healthy again. For me, for my wife and for our girls.
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 193 Member
    Realizing a year and a half after I had my daughter I still had 20 of the 40 pregnancy pounds hanging on...I could have lost some before i got pregnant but was happy with where I was at but the extra 20 from my beautiful daughter means I cannot fit into any of my cute clothes that I like to wear. I woke up one day and realized i needed to get moving and get healthier so that I can set a good example for my daughter, instead of the "I'm skinny so I don't need to exercise" philosophy my mother taught me growing up.
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