HELP Please!



  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    Some things I have learned...
    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat. SO don't just weigh yourself... MEASURE to see what your body is really doing.
    2. NEVER eat less than about 125O calories... OR try to loose too much too fast. Your body goes into starvation mode and retains fat.
    3. It took YEARS to put on the weight... eat HEALTHY (food pyramid) exercise regularly... and slowly it will come off.
    4. Also, SLOW weight loss is most likely to stay off long term.
    5. DON"T "diet"... just learn to eat properly and exercise regularly. Make your goal "good health."
    6. Eat back at least SOME of your exercise calories. This motivates me to exercise more!
    7. Don't deprive yourself. Learn to have just ONE bite of that cake. Total deprivation may lead to fast weight gain later.
    8. As you gained weight you probably had plateaus going up. Your body remembers these plateaus and will automatically plateau there again on the way down. Some refer to these as "set points." It may take some time and sometimes some adjustments to get past them.
    9. Mix it up. Vary your exercise from day to day and vary your menu. If you get bored you are less likely to be successful.
    10. Fill out your profile, particpate on the boards and add some friends who will encourage you (and maybe inspire you too) .... and HAVE FUN with it!!
    11. Move More + Eat Less = Lower Weight

    "It matters not if we try and fail, and try and fail again. But it matters much if we try and fail and fail to try again."

    While there is a lot of good advice here. . there are things that are inaccurate. . .a LB of FAT does not weight more than a 1LB of MUSCLE. .. a pound is a pound. . Fat just takes up more space than lean muscle. .

    So with that said I definitely agree with taking measurements, because there are going to be thost times that you are losing inches and not necessarily weight since you are getting leaner. . .

    So I if you don't already have one I would recommend getting an HRM so that you are getting an accurate assessment of the calories you are burning and if you are in fact in your target zone when you are burning them. . then I would eat all your exercise calories back. .

    The best of luck to you.

    If you actually took your time to read the post, you would have seen that the poster did not mention a 'pound' of muscle or a 'pound' of fat. He merely said that muscle weighs more than fat which is absolutely true. There is no need to start this debate yet again.
    1. In the first weeks of starting exercise program most folks gain weight because muscle weighs more than fat. SO don't just weigh yourself... MEASURE to see what your body is really doing.

    Well with all due respect I did read the post and 1LB of muscle does not weigh more than 1lb of fat..

    Although I understand what the original poster was trying to say to the OP . . He was simply trying to encourage the OP to measure rather than get discouraged with the scale. . .