Just had 3 slices of pizza...now I can't eat until tomorrow



  • Multistyles
    This site is awesome y'all make it real easy to stay motivated thank everyone of you
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Hmmmmmm Pizza........
  • MrsKyhemia
    Balance your calories. eat pizza if you want, home made is obv better, bit if not just do more exercise or balance it out tomorrow :)

    Can I just add, eating a slice of pizza does not make me feel bad. I like eating the foods I like to eat. And I don't want to feel deprived, this is a lifestyle change, right?

    Nothing I eat makes me feel "bad" it's just fuel, different qualities and quantities yes, but still fuel.

    GREAT POINT!!! I never really thought about it like that before.... Thanks!
  • adross3
    adross3 Posts: 606 Member
    In the time it took to warm my oven to 425f, I rolled up 28 lean turkey meatballs with italian seasoning into 1.4 oz balls. They melt down to an easy count 1oz. Now all I have to do is put 3-5 in a bowl, cover with spagetti sauce, 1oz part skim mozzarella and nuke for 1 min 30 seconds or until cheese has melted. Beats my spagetti and pizza craving in a tangy mouth watering way. Only 235-320 cals

    Sometimes I go a bit carby and put 1/2 a multigrain muffin on the bottom for 50 more cals.

    Now eat. Don't starve yourself. Yes you made a mistake. It just sets you back. It won't kill you. Just realize that you can be creative when it comes to eating your favorite foods. Use non fat or very low fat cheeses. Calcium helps process and burn fat. The lower the fat cheeses have fewer calores.
  • elfy66
    elfy66 Posts: 138 Member
    Balance your calories. eat pizza if you want, home made is obv better, bit if not just do more exercise or balance it out tomorrow :)

    Can I just add, eating a slice of pizza does not make me feel bad. I like eating the foods I like to eat. And I don't want to feel deprived, this is a lifestyle change, right?

    Nothing I eat makes me feel "bad" it's just fuel, different qualities and quantities yes, but still fuel.

    GREAT POINT!!! I never really thought about it like that before.... Thanks!

    I'm so proud!!!! No one ever thanked me for a post before :)

    HUGS x
  • LaSutopia
    LaSutopia Posts: 1,195 Member
    ok so take my advice with care...you have to think about what's best for you...but I can tell you what I do since pizza is my favorite not so good food....I stay under my calories every day during the week and eat healthy. I try to keep my levels low, like fat, sugar, sodium etc. then once a week (my day is Sundays) let myself eat pizza!!! I try to keep in under control and I do not go over my deficit. I think I have 1000 cal deficit a day but I only usually eat over like 500-600 at the most, sometimes not even that! So I still have a deficit for that day. just not the whole 1000. It does not make me gain anything it just slows it down a tiny fraction...instead of 2lbs a week I have been losing, on average, 1.91 lbs a week...So I am still steadily losing. You could try this if you think it would help. And if someone surprises you during the week, make THAT your blow day (or pizza day) and skip the usual day that you have set aside...I did that last week. I went out Friday and went over with pizza so I skipped that Sunday as a blow day and stayed under that day. This keeps me in line and keeps me losing!!
  • Multistyles
    That's a good idea also thank you very much. I was good until the surprise pizza. Pizza is evil. Lol