Roommate Rant



  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    You exercise. You're in better shape (probably) than her, even if she isn't gaining weight. So if the case of a zombie attack, she'll get eaten before you because she won't be able to run as fast/long as you :)
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    It's a slippery slope when you start comparing yourself with others...guess what? You will often not measure up. At least, that's how it is for me. Try comparing yourself to your 160 self. Then see just how awesomesauce you really are!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,740 Member
    It's a slippery slope when you start comparing yourself with others...guess what? You will often not measure up. At least, that's how it is for me. Try comparing yourself to your 160 self. Then see just how awesomesauce you really are!
    Agreed. Focus your energy on the things you know work for you, not stressing about whether your roommate's poor habits will catch up with her or not, because what she does has absolutely zero impact on your results. It's easy to get caught up in the things that we have no control over, but you're better off getting back on track and paying attention to the things you DO have control over. You'll be better off AND happier in the long run. :flowerforyou:
  • Ksnoddy87
    First of all kudos to your awesome efforts to stay healthy regardless of what your room mate is doing. I completely understand where you're coming from. My cousin is like that. Has always been like that since we were kids man and I hate it! But I have just gotten to a place to where I accept the differences in our bodies. Yes its not fair that she can eat anything that she wants and be fine, but at the end of the day I still have to focus on my health and not really worry about her. And even though your room mate can get away with eating those things with out the scale moving, I'm pretty sure if she continues down this path she will have some health problems. Even though some skinny people can eat what they want and not gain, they still have to be concious of health problems such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. So don't focus too much on your weight, think about your health! Your heart is LOVING you right now! :)
  • honu18
    honu18 Posts: 294 Member
    yes. I totally agree. My roommates are the same way. I had to tell them I wasn't going to be involved in their food decisions and everything. It seems like every night, I come home to a different baked good (not even from scratch, which to me is no fun..), or more crap in the freezer. We have two fridge's, and one freezer is filled with frozen pizzas, burritos, chicken pot pies, toaster strudels, and so much crap. This morning, I went out for a run and came back to shower and had to go through the kitchen where they were eating bacon and french toast. It just really highlighted the differences to me. It's hard, because sometimes I want to eat that crap, but then I also think it's funny because I used to eat like that, now I completely judge them for what they eat. A few of them are chubbyish, and I don't see most of them doing any sort of physical activity, and I'm just like, that's so unhealthy for you. I used to be that way and sometimes it's like I want to slip back into that way, but in the end, I feel so much better about myself, not only looking better, but really just feeling better and know I'm doing what's right for my body. Definitely ok to splurge a little bit too, otherwise the healthy lifestyle will never work long term. My boyfriend does that. He literally ate an entire chocolate chip cookie chocolate/pb creme pie that I made the other night, and has made it a point that he's going to eat super healthy for the next few days and not eat any dessert. Sometimes, that way works for people. me, I like to have a little everyday, but maybe if you're feeling that urge, try that approach.