So frustrated already

Im looking at old pictures of myself and I looked so good! I gained EIGHTY pounds in the past 2 yrs. I was sick, then pregnant, but STILL!! I just want to cry. I dont even know where to start!! I could kick myself for gaining so much ; (


  • Thankilates
    Thankilates Posts: 432 Member
    Well, now that you have said it (and trust me- I've felt that way, most people have) time to get over it! That is why you are here! :) To lose weight, to lose any negative attitude and to start fresh! It's amazing how fast you will start to feel better even after 5 pounds or 10 and then so on and so forth! I know you can do it! :)
    Welcome and good luck! You will be fine! Just brush yourself off and "move more and eat less and what you do eat, eat better!"

  • aWashCloth
    aWashCloth Posts: 198 Member
    I know how it feels to get knocked down. Last year around this time I ended up losing 30 lbs.. A year later im up 45.. It was seriously Depressing. Now I am on a long journey to lose 90lbs.. Its frustrating to think i have to lose 45lbs JUST to get back to where I was last year, when I was determined to lose weight.. but its always about getting back on that horse.. and never stop riding. You can do it if you do it long enough! Its just another starting point! You can do it.
  • Elixandra
    Elixandra Posts: 299 Member
    Well, now that you have said it (and trust me- I've felt that way, most people have) time to get over it! That is why you are here! :) To lose weight, to lose any negative attitude and to start fresh! It's amazing how fast you will start to feel better even after 5 pounds or 10 and then so on and so forth! I know you can do it! :)
    Welcome and good luck! You will be fine! Just brush yourself off and "move more and eat less and what you do eat, eat better!"


    I totally agree with this.
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Hi, I know how you feel. I had some serious medical conditions and have popped on 40 pounds. I tried everything and nothing worked. Then, someone put me on this site and I am so pleased with the way it is going. I started Sept 1 with a goal of 1 pound per week. I weighed today and I have lost 5 pounds so now I only have 35 to go. The sooner you start, the sooner you will feel results and I have to say, I don't feel like I am dieting because I still get to eat some of what I want. I do add my foods before eating them to see the damage. It is the only way I can keep from going over. Good Luck!
  • I'd like to second what Kim said. Vocalize it, make your health a priority, both physical and mental.
    Where to start? Well, having signed up sounds like a pretty good start to me :).
    Be mindful of what you put in your mouth, and start doing active things, like choosing the stairs instead of the elevator/escalator, or going to for a brisk walk for 30 minutes after supper to settle the food. I personally love working out in the mornings, it gives me a day full of steam and energy! I personally do work out videos, and walk.
  • Stay focused! Im in the same boat after baby. I barely gained any weight during my pregnancy, but after it all came! good luck, u can do it.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Don't sweat it, honey! You can lose it in half the time you put it on. I really hate when people say that its easier to gain than lose. To me that seems so discouraging. I've only really been trying since the end of April and I'm pretty sure that by the time my sister's wedding rolls around in December I will have lost what took you two years to gain. Of course, you might be one of those individual's who thinks that it is better to lose slow than to lose fast. That is all up to you, but either way, effort goes a long way! Best of luck! :happy:
  • kellyscomeback
    kellyscomeback Posts: 1,369 Member
    You just need to pick a day and start. I didn't start losing my baby weight until my daughter was 14m and it was because I hit my wall and started working out.

    You can do it, you just need to start.
    VVEXVVEX Posts: 132 Member
    Use that frustration as fuel for change. You can do it. Lots of people here are succeeding. And remember the wise words of Yoda: "There is no try, there is only do or do not." So ... do!
  • fitplease
    fitplease Posts: 647 Member
    Last spring, I weighed about 144 and was on my way to a size 8. This spring, I ballooned up to 170/sz 14, due mostly to meds. It took me a couple of years or so to lose the original weight I had (down from 165 at that point). So, I definitely wanted to cry!!! (And, sometimes, do.) It is frustrating.

    This time, however, I am learning how to make fitness become a way of life for me. I am aiming to be healthy in the long run, and not just lose weight. I am going to try on different sports and workouts, to see what I like to do.

    So, please know that you are not alone in your struggles. We can get to where we want to be. We just have to work at it and be patient with ourselves.
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    Where to start? at the beginning. One day at a time. you'll learn as you go here- there's no end of inspiration and support. If you read the message boards, there are folks who've lost a great deal more - People who stuck it out for 100 and 200 lbs.
    Move, move move - I don't like exercise and can't do strenuous for more than about 15 or 20 mins but 20 mins twice a day is 40 mins.
    Hit your local farmers market - shop there instead of the commercial grocery - MUCH healthier selections and less junk. Keep fruit, veggies and healthy snacks on hand - stock some at work (if you can) I found a case of water for 2.99 I buy 2 a week.
    For myself, I discovered that if I exercise first thing in the morning (before I'm fully awake) it's best for me, I'm less likely to shirk it and it just gets it out of the way and you really do feel good all day. If you put it off, you're more likely to find an excuse not to.
    If you have a dog, GREAT! a dog makes a great exercise pal - they will go anytime in all weather for as long as you like - after awhile, the dog will remind you it's time to go
    No ONE thing works for everyone. Just plug along until you find exercise & foods that work for you. Most everyone recommends switching off - doing the same thing all the time gets boring for you and your body stops responding.
    Jillian Michaels 30 day shred is highly recommended here. It really works. I started the shred on the first of this month, size 16 jeans - today I fit into a size 12

    Good luck! you CAN do this
  • lee112780
    lee112780 Posts: 419 Member
    Thanks guys! I need to change my attitude, and not be so negative about it. Atleast the baby is happy and healthy. The worst feeling is when I see people I used to see when I was thinner..its like...I know they are probably like, "wow Lee got huge". Maybe not, but Im self concience..makes me not want to leave the house...crazy, right?!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    Thanks guys! I need to change my attitude, and not be so negative about it. Atleast the baby is happy and healthy. The worst feeling is when I see people I used to see when I was thinner..its like...I know they are probably like, "wow Lee got huge". Maybe not, but Im self concience..makes me not want to leave the house...crazy, right?!

    And in a few months they will be like "wow Lee looks great" and then they will ask you how you did it! :happy:
  • pavanneh
    pavanneh Posts: 65 Member
    You can do it. You know you need to change your attitude and how you look at losing weight. That is a huge first step. Y ou have done really well and you will continue to do well. I know how you feel. So do many others. If you think your friends are thinking negative about you, switch it around and tell yourself, "I have gained weight, now I am doing something about it. Let them think what they want. I know I will loose it and look better than I ever did."
  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    AW, now your makin me feel bad!! Your so pretty, dont beat yourself up!!!!

    I look at it as, well, whats done is done, and all you can do now is improve your life, which you are- thats not something to be upset about girly!!!

    There are a lot of people here who got your back, me being one of them. Dont look at such a big number - 80... Start out with 5, maybe 10, but thats it!!!

    Work with smaller numbers, then go from there :wink:
  • megan6709
    megan6709 Posts: 60 Member
    I hope you have some really encouraging people around you and some great motivation. I get the frustration, and despair at gaining. I gained about 60 lbs my first couple years of college, then another 40 or so over the past three years of grad school. I may blame school for my bad health, but it's really only about 5% of the problem - 95% is me and I can do better. Like the previous post, set your goals small - mini-goals, and then bigger goals.

    Good luck!