need help committing!

Hello all! I'm a 23 yr old stay at home mommy that had her last child almost 11 months ago and have been on the diet rollercoaster for as long as I can remember.. I'm ready to lose this tire around my waist and look good in my clothes and feel good about myself! I think finding a weight loss buddy will help seeing as I've never had one before!
Thanks guys & good luck in your journey! :)


  • laursey
    laursey Posts: 307
    Hey! I'm a mom of two. I started back at the end the end of January this year. I was terrified someone was going to ask me when I was expecting. Add me if you life. I'm here to provide and receive motivation. Friends help so much!

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    I'm with you Kelly! Things are always easier when you have a buddy there to encourage you AND check you when you are slacking. As long as you keep logging on, you have plenty of people here who will help you be accountable for your actions and fitness/health progress! Good luck!
  • cararq
    cararq Posts: 457 Member
    I'm right with you--except I'm older than you! :smile:
    I have children and I struggle with losing the weight I gained with each of them. And I give up WAY too easily! :embarassed:
    So today I started on MFP. The first day of my journey--and we can encourage each other!
  • NattieBoomBattie
    I love MFP! We're all essentially here for the same reason so there's support everywhere we go on here! Good luck! :) And welcome!
  • xoxo_kelly
    Thanks so much guys! Looking forward to the journey! :) I definatly have a problem with sticking to my diets.. I'll be good for a while then the "well.. I've been good.. maybe just one (insert bad food here)" then I feel bad and keep eating .. my fiancee recently started working graveyard so I have a bad habit of eating when I'm bored or lonely.. so I think if I'm able to just log in when I'm bored or lonely it will keep me focused!
  • dolphin21
    dolphin21 Posts: 301 Member
    Hey, you can do this!!! I have 2 girls and yes i understand you!!!!! We got those extra pounds we need 2 loose! You came 2 the right site, it has help me a lot and I know it can help you!!!! We can all do this......good luck!!