I could use some friends... and some motivation

I fell off the horse. I'm trying to figure out why, mentally, I did it. I'm 25, married, no kids and until May was doing very well with my diet and work out routine. I went to the gym after work four to five times a week. I kept this up for three months or so. My husband was deployed at the time.. and since he came home.. I feel lathargic. I can't seem to make myself go to the gym and i can't seem to resist all those foods that are terrible for me. Since May I've gained back all the weight I lost and am now heavier then I've ever been. I just can't seem to find any motivation and it's quite frustrating. I'm not blaming him, don't get me wrong, I'm just very confused with myself. I was so diligent and stubborn enough to refuse going out in favor of gym time....refuse all those terrible (but oh so good) foods... but now I find myself looking for every excuse. I finally went back to the gym on Monday.. and am hoping to really get back into it again.. but I'm afraid I wont and just flop again.

Has anyone had a rebound like this? does it always feel so discouraging and terrible?

Mostly I'm ranting. I could use some help.. I need ideas to turn this around and find enthusiasm once again..


  • Fiyero
    I used to train 6 days per week for triathlons. Never really in the gym but went out running, to the pool or biked etc. I fell out of it after my race (a successful one) and am only within the last six weeks or so starting to get back into it. We are all motivated by different things. For me, it is:
    The improvement I get from working at a sport. My split times rowing are going down. I can run faster, longer, etc.
    But also and maybe more relevant on a daily basis, when I do a workout, especially a hard one, I am energised for the rest of the day. Physically, I feel much better coming out of a workout than going in.

    So what I am getting at is I needed to find my own reason to train. Not because society expects me to look a certain way but some intrinsic motivator. Maybe you can vary your gym workouts? Do something in a group like kickboxing or step? Whatever gives you that yeah feeling when you walk out afterward.
  • Incunabulum
    Hi, Neona,

    I was the same way for a long time. I told myself I could get back into shape anytime. And then I couldn't. Now I'm working my way back to where I want to be, but I am adding to that a goal to build some mad lean muscle. Here's what I said to myself:

    Quit making excuses.
    Quit blaming someone or something else for your lack of discipline.
    Suck it up.
    Go do your [strength training, cardio, cross-training, etc].
    Be accountable for your decisions and choices.
    No one's holding a gun to your head to force you to eat/drink the crap you are eating/drinking.
    You become your decisions and choices.

    So, want me to tell you those things? :) Add me if you'd like, but please leave some sort of message in case I forget that I replied to your topic. If you don't, I still wish you the best in your quest. Thank you; take care and be well.

  • monkeybutter
    I have done just that recently. I was going so strong and suddenly, gone back to doing little and eating much. I have my original goal in mind to help motivate me and that is to not be overweight at xmas (again!). I pictured vividly in my mind how I would feel at that time having to wear the clothes that make me look least chunky rather than something that I feel good in.

    Wavering from the path to our goals is normal and quite frankly takes a blinking superhero to be able to stick to 100%!! Falling off the path is not a problem in itself, it's how soon you return to it that will determine your success. I personally have found that I strive for 100% perfection in this sort of goal but in reality, each day is different and sometimes you just have to give yourself a little break with the knowledge that it shall only be a temporary glitch on the way. You'll still get there.
  • Cupcake_25
    You need to set yourself realistic targets per week that you can stick to and allow occasional treats. I always eat carefully on a saturday so that on saturday night i can have enough calories for a can of cherry coke and some nuts - this is working for me. Also i exercise 3 times a week as i know i wont do it everyday. I do have a small 5 minute daily routine which is :

    -10 squats
    -50 star jumps
    -10 sit ups
    -1 hold up (30 seconds)

    If im feeling energetic i will repeat the set. I dont know how quickly you want to drop weight but i view it as a lifestyle change because i know if i stop eating a good diet i will put all the weight back on. You could always join a fitness class where you can be encouraged by other people who are feeling the same. Ive heard zumba is very good for weight loss. I wish you the best of luck
  • Masterchef2000
    Masterchef2000 Posts: 127 Member
    Hey, that happens. You fill up your time when they are gone to make the time pass quicker. It's what I'm doing right now!

    Maybe he will go with you? Lord knows they have to work out as well. Maybe it would be great for both of you. Don't go to the gym if you dont have time, take a long walk before dinner. Run before dinner. Meet up at home and do something together.

    Of course I can only give advice that I hope I will follow myself. I'll find out in a couple of months if my own advice is actually do-able! You get comfortable and want to make up for lost time. So now that the post - deployment honeymoon faze is over, you are starting to feel guilty and your body is wanting that exercise back. I can see that happening.

    You can do this!