Anyone starting P90x soon? (Sunday sept 25)

I'm starting P90x tomorrow and was wondering if anyone is starting soon or has started recently. I'd love some support from others that are doing it!! I've completed Insanity last week and I'm looking forward to toning up this flab!!


  • i want to start it, do you have a pull up bar or resistance bands? i have a pull up bar but i fail at it right now.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    i want to start it, do you have a pull up bar or resistance bands? i have a pull up bar but i fail at it right now.

    I have a pull up bar and i can do like 1 or 2 lol. I dont have bands, i really hate bands. I'm going to buy weights.
  • oh i have weights but i only have 2 x 6 pound handweights, do you think i need heavier? also are you doing the classic or the lean schedule im kinda confused with that lol
  • JeffGDDG
    JeffGDDG Posts: 252 Member
    I'm starting week 5 tomorrow. Good luck to you!
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I'm not sure about weights yet, i was gonna start with the 3lb hand weights i have and then go buy what i think I'll need. I'm doing classic because I also do cardio kickboxing and bike riding for extra cardio exercise. Lean is just more cardio videos than classic.
  • oh cool I think I'l go with classic it looks more strength based which is what I want, i will go with using the weights i have and go from there then seems the best plan, can adjust as you go along i guess :)
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    I just finished week 1 and I am sore but proud of myself LoL... I use 3lb weights because I don't want to bulk up at all, my arms are too big and I'm trying to get them smaller. I do more reps since I'm using smaller weights. I have a pull up bar and what I have done so far is use a folding chair to rest my foot on while I am doing them. This modifies the move for you and trust me it is still challenging! I can usually do about 10 with the chair. I do the classic version.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Sounds good! I do wanna "bulk up"!! I'm going to do the fit test today and pictures. I'm itching to start! Btw starting tomorrow should have it end on Xmas eve.
  • what is the fit test?
  • faith_76
    faith_76 Posts: 199 Member
    i use 12lbs. weights for most of it. if you dont have a mat you may want to get one for yoga.
  • oh didn't think about a mat, where can i buy one from?
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    I'm starting P90x tomorrow and was wondering if anyone is starting soon or has started recently. I'd love some support from others that are doing it!! I've completed Insanity last week and I'm looking forward to toning up this flab!!

    Btw, how was insanity? From the commercials looks like it lives up to the name!
  • JTThomas
    JTThomas Posts: 69 Member
    oh didn't think about a mat, where can i buy one from?

    You can buy a mat at walmart, target, or any sports store like Sports Authority, etc.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    I'm starting P90x tomorrow and was wondering if anyone is starting soon or has started recently. I'd love some support from others that are doing it!! I've completed Insanity last week and I'm looking forward to toning up this flab!!

    Btw, how was insanity? From the commercials looks like it lives up to the name!

    Insanity was INSANE lol But I really really loved it. It's taken my cardio endurance to a whole new level. I never had this kind of endurance even when i was enlisted. I almost did a second round but decided i want to tone more.

    The Fit test you do before and after. It's in the booklet but there isnt a video. You just have to see how many pull ups and stuff you can do, take your measurements and photos.
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    oh didn't think about a mat, where can i buy one from?

    You can buy a mat at walmart, target, or any sports store like Sports Authority, etc.

    Dont get the cheapo ones. I have cheap one from walmart and it's falling apart after like 5 uses :(
  • wadesha
    wadesha Posts: 351 Member
    I seriously think this is one of the best workouts even though i'm only on Day 4 today. I like that its a different workout for everyday of the week because I know your not suppose to work the same muscles everyday. The videos are fun and I don't feel like i'm really working out till its over and realize I've sweated away all the water I drank in the whole day and the soreness sets in. i'm doing the lean version :)
  • Day 1, just did chest back and ab ripper, it really does work you hard but the workouts are made fun at the same time, i think i am going to love and hate p90x at the same time lol. I also took before pictures, did everyone else?
  • Mike523
    Mike523 Posts: 393 Member
    Really good, motivated, supportive group of P90Xers over here if you want to join in: (part 1 of the thread - for reference) (part 2 of the thread - current part)

    I just started week 5 today, 1st day of phase 2.
  • Julieelliott12
    Julieelliott12 Posts: 68 Member
    Tpday is day 2 for me. My husband wanted to start again, so I took the initiative and started for both of us. Day 1 went ok, only got through half of the core synergisitcs. Dropped the motorcycle the other day and things ar a bit sore, so it was harder than usual.

    Day 2 cardio shouldn't be as bad. I am doing lean
  • tuneses
    tuneses Posts: 467 Member
    Day 2 Plyo wasnt bad at all, well after Insanity it's not that bad lol. I did cardio kickboxing tonight too at the Y.