Winter warmers

Kulli1 Posts: 34 Member
Hi all,

I'm looking for inspiration. I, like many, take my lunch to work everyday but now its getting a bit cold i'm wanting something a bit warmer than a lettuce salad. I alternate days with salads, jacket potatoes, fish cakes, etc but with the salad i can keep my calories low and have a nice evening meal at home. I like to keep lunch to under 300 cals if poss and that usually includes a muller light yoghurt (80-90) or choc mousse (62cal)

What i'm looking for is some low cal warm salad ideas, i have access to a microwave and kettle at work and have no issues with reheating things like chicken, which i know some people can be. Any other lunch ideas would also be appreciated but note i'm not a fan of soup or mushrooms.

Thanks in advance.:wink: