Intervals Trial - Part I...

So, I mentioned to friends on here that I saw this infomercial for the Firm Express kit, to find out if anyone's used it yet. I can't afford it but have liked the Firm in the past and was intrigued by the concept. I read some Amazon reviews and came to the conclusion that I'm probably doing as well without it, but was still intrigued by the particular intervals approach.

I've been doing a circuit workout - with this Self plan they asked me to try - that uses Tabata intervals - 20 seconds all-out effort (well, as hard as I can sustain for 20 seconds - which isn't QUITE all-out), 10 seconds rest, but wondered about the 8/12 intervals.

In the Amazon reviews, I found some more detail about how they're used in the workouts and had seen examples of the effort level in the infomercial - and decided to try them today during a short cycling session on our at-home spin bike. I'm going to track these days and any more dramatic results I see - or don't - through my blog (this is copied from it).

So, I really, really felt it. I cycled 22 minutes - 2 minutes warming up, 3 minutes cooling down, with 4 different 1-minute-20-second interval bursts starting at minute 3, minute 8, minute 13 and minute 18, roughly. We keep my husband's cheap analog watch with second hand strapped around the neck of the cycle to time ourselves... While not doing an interval, I cycled at a moderate rate - probably about 5-6 RPE (if you are familiar with Rate of Perceived Exertion - scale of 1 - 10, 5-6 being can talk but with a little effort...)

The intervals simply comprised cranking the resistance quickly then standing and pedaling as fast/hard as I could for 8 seconds - literally about a 10 RPE (my intervals on the cycle before have been maybe 8 - 9, for 20 - 30 seconds), cranking back down fast and pedaling slow and easy for 12 - repeated 4 times per "burst".

My recovery/normal cycling was therefore tougher as I was puffed out from the intervals. The whole thing felt pretty good. Legs are actually feeling it, which is unusual and speaks to the fact that I must have done effective "sprints"...

My plan is going to be to keep up resistance/plyo circuits 2 - 3 days a week, at least 1 kickboxing workout a week (usually more), 1 dance a week, and at least one 20-minute session of cycle intervals in this 8/12 framework. I'll report back through my blog, which is public.