Hi :)

i'm a newbie and needing some real support and push.. :)
i have 40 pounds to lose asap and i'm not sure i can do this alone anymore..
weight adds such stress to our lives and bodies and the only way we can fight it is together <3
feel free to friend me - i'll be sure to support you who need it too xx


  • TainaLeirmoe10
    TainaLeirmoe10 Posts: 41 Member
    You have my support!!!! If you have any questions, let me know. I am working with a trainer (so I can get answers) :smile:
  • widr
    widr Posts: 15
    : Hi Iam new here too and I also have loss 50 pounds asap! I will suppot you if you like.:smile: and it hard on me I tried to loss and I eat very small meals and gain weight and i do not know why.:cry: