I'm sad. I've drastically over ate today.

Well I suppose not drastically, but it's lunch and I've already went over my calorie limit. (right at it, more so). I'm sick with the flu/cold something and I've been reaching for whatever looks good and gives me comfort. Should I feel terribly guiltly? I'm having trouble loosing weight as is, so I feel like I'm a horrible person. Words of support? Experience?

-- a very sad dieter,


  • XtinaRocks
    It's totally ok. We all have those days. Mine consisted of half a buffalo chicken cheese steak and some cheese fries. Bad day. Tomorrow is brand new! Start out fresh and keep your eating clean! You'll be ok :) I promise.
  • vikesfanmb
    vikesfanmb Posts: 291 Member
    Try not be so hard on yourself. Easier said than done, I know. Everyone has "off" days and especially when you're not feeling well, try to just take it easy and remember . . tomorrow is a brand new day, wipe the slate clean, and move on. :smile:
  • smashleyt
    smashleyt Posts: 36 Member
    Today is only ONE day. Tomorrow you get to start all over again! You will rock!
  • papastu
    papastu Posts: 737 Member
    dont worry bout it, suck it up . Tomorrow is another day :wink:
  • Iheartsushi
    Iheartsushi Posts: 150 Member
    Okay, so you over ate today. Good thing we have tomorrow, right? If you aren't feeling well I suggest you relax and take care of yourself. It's not the end of the world so don't let this teeny, tiny, minor setback get you down. Accept it, make a mental note, and push for a better day tomorrow!
  • healthy4self
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Diet does not indicate personal worth. I looked at your diary, and forgive me if you're not wanting diary advice, but I think the reason you may be overeating so early in the day is because of your choice of foods. Eating junk food will sabotage your efforts. Add more protein from chicken, fish, and eggs, cut out the crap, and you might feel more satiated. It's up to you to help yourself
  • Harleyboxer
    Harleyboxer Posts: 6 Member
    I had a fairly bad calorie day yesterday as well. Today I did my long walk/run of 8 miles and practically burned off yesterday! Start over today and go burn some of it off! ;) Today is a NEW day & YOU can do it!!!
  • triciap79
    triciap79 Posts: 121 Member
    Tomorrow is a new day. Don't beat yourself up or let one bad day turn on to 2 or 3. Take care and get better! :o)
  • stephanie8625
    stephanie8625 Posts: 119 Member
    Tomorrow is always a new day --- we all have our days, just make sure that it does not turn into 3 days, 5 days etc.
    Once you feel better, you will bounce right back !! Stay strong !!

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • SephirothsChild15
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Diet does not indicate personal worth. I looked at your diary, and forgive me if you're not wanting diary advice, but I think the reason you may be overeating so early in the day is because of your choice of foods. Eating junk food will sabotage your efforts. Add more protein from chicken, fish, and eggs, cut out the crap, and you might feel more satiated. It's up to you to help yourself
    Are you talking about today? I thought I did fairly good with my new diet of veggies, cottage cheese, etc. I'm wish I liked more protein but I really don't like anything but beans so I'm trying to work them in.
  • mermx
    mermx Posts: 976
    Don`t beat yourself up! It happens hun x

    My advice is to try to plan your day in the morning..open up your diary in the morning and plan, plan, plan :-)

    It works for me cos I am not really too hungry in the mornings. So I put in my breakfast lunch and dinner. Then all I have left is some calories from exercise as the day goes on or calories that I have got left over from my meal plan. So I can introduce snacks and log them as the day goes on.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    If you are set to "lose 1 lb per week" then you can go in the red by 500 just to be at maintenance (it's 1000 if you chose 2 lbs). It's only when you are in the red by MORE than 500 (or 1000) that you are considered "over".
  • Don't be sad, move on! It's going to happen and you will recover. This week I overate 2 days in a row, and it was HUGE overeating,not just a little. But, I still did well! You will too, don't dwell on the past, plan for the future ;)
  • mimaduck83
    mimaduck83 Posts: 175 Member
    I massively over ate today too...I went out with my friend who is having treatment for cervical cancer (and she is 24) and we haven't hung out in ages. And you know what, I actually don't care today. Its only one day, I've not had a blow out like that in aaaaaages and she needed to put on weight. It was so lovely to see her eating again and looking so healthy despite being battered with chemo and radiotherapy.

    So...just for 1 day I will not care about the calories and will be thankful that my friend is getting treatment and will live.

  • Helenatrandom
    Helenatrandom Posts: 1,166 Member
    FORGIVE YOURSELF!!!:love: I wouldn't be in half so much trouble with my weight if I had learned to forgive myself! DO eat healthy foods today, because your body needs them to heal (rather than decide that you met your limit...), but don't worry about the past.
    My momma used to love this quote, (though she didn't know who said it, just that an English teacher made them copy it every day for penmanship :smile: )
    The past is gone — forget it. The present is here — use it — tomorrow may never come. ...
    Use the present and take care of that cold! God bless!
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Don't be so hard on yourself. Diet does not indicate personal worth. I looked at your diary, and forgive me if you're not wanting diary advice, but I think the reason you may be overeating so early in the day is because of your choice of foods. Eating junk food will sabotage your efforts. Add more protein from chicken, fish, and eggs, cut out the crap, and you might feel more satiated. It's up to you to help yourself
    Are you talking about today? I thought I did fairly good with my new diet of veggies, cottage cheese, etc. I'm wish I liked more protein but I really don't like anything but beans so I'm trying to work them in.

    today pretty much sucks....but I went back 4 days and the others are pretty good!

    And you said you are sick...you should up your calories while sick. You shouldn't be at a deficit while trying to heal. It's ok to eat at maintenance for a few days.
  • bonogul
    bonogul Posts: 96 Member
    its totally ok to over eat once a week. Increased calories of today will boost your hormones up and also increase your thyroid function. Which you definitely dont want it to go down. so there is something good in everything.

    I over eat once every couple weeks, usually because i cant help it, but over eating once a while is actually recommended by some fitness trainers.
  • SephirothsChild15
    Guys you have no idea how much this means to me for you to support me through this. Thanks to all you added in the "take care of your cold" as well. :)
  • StarGeezer
    It happens to everyone. Sometimes a meal gets away from us. Or a snack sneaks up on us. And on occasion, you just have "one of THOSE days." If you're feeling poorly, that often leaves you even more vulnerable. Concentrate on feeling better, get some rest, maybe pick up a book or pop in a video, and just rejuvenate yourself the rest of the day. Tomorrow you get a clean slate, so approach it with optimism and hope. No regrets, just lessons learned. Stay positive, you can and will succeed! :)
  • lilmissemmylou
    lilmissemmylou Posts: 11 Member
    as that silly Dappy says in his song "no regrets, no regrets. No point in crying over yesterday. No regrets, no regrets, you havent even seen the best of me yet"

    Tomorrow is a new day and you will make it better. If you need a pick me up why not try skinny cow ice cream or some ben and jerrys fro yo. Both low calorie in moderation but taste good enough to pick you up on a down day :)