need support

The last several days I have gone over goal. I have not been able to get up as early as I need to get to the programs at the YMCA I would like to attend for my age. Little exercise except house work and running errands and running errands and running errands. did I say running errands? :laugh:
Well I just need a little encouragement. I start fixing meals and my hubby says lets go out. AHHHHHH!


  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    Mine likes to do the same. I just say see ya later! :bigsmile: and keep right on doing what I'm doing. Needless to say he always sits down at the dinner table with me.

    Make sure to set the alarm clock for a good time and just get up and go! But on the bright side you are "running" errands! Seriously, that has got to be worth something!
  • hbrittingham
    hbrittingham Posts: 2,518 Member
    You can do it!

    Tell hubby you need his support and going out to eat isn't helping in your journey. Sometimes they undermine us subconsciously because they are threatened by our weight loss. Hang in there and stand firm. Do it for yourself!
  • My hubby is one to go out to eat a lot too. We sat down and talked about it and now we tend to only go out once a week. I understand the errands too. I have three kids all under 4. They take so much work and every third day my husband works a 24 hour shift at the fire department so I have to figure out a work out I can do with three kids! To try to help with that we walk to the store or anything we can get to in walking distance. Just keep trying and let your husband know how much it means to you for him to stay home and enjoy your healthy cooking:)
  • Hello, feel free to add me for support :) I need lots of it too. -rosalie-
  • Its ok to go out to eat. There are good choice out there. I know its hard sometimes to plan ahead as far as the where and what you want to eat.
    it was recommended to me to use the phone application so judge what foods are before I order which is helping alot.
    Have a plan B for when you cant make the class you want. Even if its just working in a walk. Running Errands I tend to park way out in the lot so I get extra walking in that way. Just a thought. You can do it !
  • Jennieam
    Jennieam Posts: 300 Member
    I'm sure that we all experience times when its hard to get up early. You need to look at your schedule to see what is preventing you from going to bed earlier.

    I know from first hand experience that it can be difficult to get to bed early (my alarm goes at 4.45 a.m. so I can take my dog for a walk before leaving to go to work). However if you miss the program at the YMCA, can't you do some exercise at home? Do you have a local pool? Walking, cleaning and gardening can count as exercise.

    Perhaps your husband could see that you were stressing with the meals, and was trying to be helpful? Do you have a series of healthy meals set up (which you both will eat)? It might be worthwhile spending some time on this, so you can whip one up easily.

    And if you do go out for a meal, its not impossible to still eat something healthy. Just a matter of considering the options.

    All the best.
  • krash999
    krash999 Posts: 476 Member
    All you have to say is no on the going out to eat. sure it is so much easier, and sometimes it is the only time you get to see me since i am always running around and going to the gym myself, but still. eating out all the time is not the best of choices. i know it is not always fast food, but it is not always the most healthy thing to eat. just because it looks like it is good for you does not mean it is. when you fix it yourself you know what goes into it and wether it is good for you or not.

    I love you mom and keep up the good work. i want you to be around for a while longer... (so i can put you in the old folks home.. :laugh: just kidding)

    PS... they have a class in the heated therapy pool at the y at 8:30 Monday Wednesday and Friday.... you will thank me later after you feel so much better. i can promise you that.
  • studynut8083
    studynut8083 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the encouragement. I appreciate it.:smile:
  • I know, I struggle with eating out at some places too. But I just wanted to add that there are a few restaurants that are mainstream chains that have reduced calorie options... Ruby Tuesday's lists calories next to the entrees on the menu... Applebee's has 550 and under options..... BJ's Brewhouse has a 550 and under menu. Not sure if any of those are near you or if you like them, but when we go out I tend to steer my family to a place like that where I know I can order something that isn't going to blow me off track, especially if it's our 2nd or 3rd night eating out that week. Best of luck to you! Add me if you like, I'm looking for some friendly support on here too :smile: