fruit smoothies, god send or diet killer?

I've heard a lot of debate whether or not fruit smoothies are good for you or not. Some say they are really good since they are made of fruit and are packed with good nutrients and protein however i've also heard a lot of warning about the sugar they contain.

The kind I make are made with real fruit (strawberries and bananas) a little ice and maybe 1/4 cup of skim milk (if even that). Usually for one serving size I'll down 12 oz. (about 4 or 5 strawberries and one banana) I always try to stay at my target calorie intake because obviously going over will cause weight gain eventually but what about the sugar? How detrimental would having so much sugar be to weight loss?

I personally would assume that they are better for you since they are a better snack than chips or candy and like I mentioned above they have a lot of nutrients, BUT you know what assumption does.. makes an *kitten* of you and me,

So which is it? Good ? Bad? matter of opinion?


  • JamesonsMommy
    JamesonsMommy Posts: 771 Member
    Good if you make them yourself :) Loaded with vitamins :)
  • Ksnoddy87
  • trelm249
    trelm249 Posts: 777 Member
    If you are making them yourself, you know exactly what is in them. If they fit in your plan and they help you get your nutrients that you need without going to over on the sugar then enjoy them and not worry about it.

    Things that you could do to vary it are -
    Use unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk to knock down some of the sugar instead of skim milk. You may also throw in a scoop of whey isolate powder or soy protein powder.
  • NostalgicDruid
    I like using fruit as a snack, whether just plain or as a smoothie. Smoothies are great for using fruit that is too soft to be eaten whole and can save on food waste. A little bit of flax seed or some other fiber can also help offset all the sugar. And I agree, definitely better than a lot of other snack options!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    Would you eat a handful of strawberries, a banana and some milk as a snack? If so, what would be the harm if you whizzed them up together, if you like it eat them that way? Riiiight?

    That said, adding spinach is a nice touch (and can't be tasted) as well as adding some ground flaxseed. :)
  • CharlieBarleyMom
    CharlieBarleyMom Posts: 727 Member
    Fruit smoothies are great when homemade. You were going to eat fruit anyway, right? Fruit is good for you... and the natural sugar in fruit is way better for you than any added sugars you find in other snacks.

    I like mine with the Almond Milk as suggested by trelm... lower calories, a little thicker liquid and I use the unsweetened...yum!
  • eillamarie
    eillamarie Posts: 862 Member
    Would you ever sit down & eat 5 strawberries and one banana and a gulp or two or skim milk and be worried about the sugar?......Exactly. You wouldn't. So keep drinking those smoothies!
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    Personally I don't drink smoothies because of the sugar content and for the same reason I limit fruit and fill up on veggies instead. That is my choice and I'm not trying to say that fruit is bad for you, it is certainly better than eating processed junk, but veggies are a better choice as they still contain the nutrients but less sugar. I found this article interesting
  • grassette
    grassette Posts: 976 Member
    I used to get great smoothies years ago. Made with water,or milk, with whatever fruit I chose. To increase the protein, I could have an egg whipped into them as well. Those were nutritious breakfasts, especially when made with milk. However, you would not be able to make them with raw eggs from the supermarket because of the samonella risk that comes from industrialized egg production. But if you get your eggs from real live chickens that live normal chicken lives, it should be OK.