Have you done a mud run obstacle course?

Specifically "Run for Your Life", Warrior Dash, or Tough Mudder.
I originally wanted to do Tough Mudder but seeing as how I'm not a runner I thought it would be best to ease into that one!:smile:
I'm thinking that I'll do Warrior Dash next April and Tough Mudder later on next year.That is until I found out about Run for Your Life...a zombie 5K obstacle course! I totally have to do that one because it sounds like too much fun to pass up! Maybe Tought Mudder in 2013 would be wise. Then I have time to work up running 10-13 miles!

Anyhow, for those of you that have completed one of these types of races...were you a runner before? What did you do to train? I'm planning on doing a C25K + P90X + Turbo Fire combo, then a P90X + running schedule. I'd sure appreciate and tips and advice you have. Thanks!


  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    I've been running for about a year and a half. I did the Warrior Dash in June. I was injured at the time, but I took it easy and finished it.

    I don't think there's really a training regimen you'd need to follow beyond what you are planning. It's mostly mental. Some of those obstacles are kinda scary.

    Best of luck!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    We did the Warrior Dash back in April (I think it was April). That was my first mud run and then we did our second mud run two weeks ago. The Warrior Dash was a better course. i did a few rounds of P90X and a round of Insanity before that event. I'm not a runner, but I did do plyometrics and some jogging a couple times a week. I blogged about the Warrior Dash with pics below.

  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash this past March. My only training was the EA Active 2 9 week program (a mix of cardio and strength training). I was not a runner before it (and still am not). You'll be more than ready with what you're planning.

    I didn't find the obstacles physically challenging, just a mental thing (you're going to get dirty and gain a few scratches). Running 3 miles was the hardest part for me. :laugh: I walked a lot of it.

    I had a BLAST, and am sure you will, too.
  • Anyone have an idea on what the Warrior Dash costs? I'm looking at it for next summer, but would like toknow what to expect.
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    Anyone have an idea on what the Warrior Dash costs? I'm looking at it for next summer, but would like toknow what to expect.

    I think my entry fee was around $50. They give you one free beer at the end of the race (plus we got a banana and protein drink sample from a sponsor). Water and food are all extra.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,066 Member
    Anyone have an idea on what the Warrior Dash costs? I'm looking at it for next summer, but would like toknow what to expect.

    I think my entry fee was around $50. They give you one free beer at the end of the race (plus we got a banana and protein drink sample from a sponsor). Water and food are all extra.

    Plus $10 parking :)
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    Thanks everyone!
  • kyylieeeeee
    kyylieeeeee Posts: 197 Member
    I ran Warrior Dash NY in August...and even though I can very happily run a 5K and the obstacles were challenging but not impossible...there was virtually nothing I could have done for training because the race was literally 1.5 miles up a ski slope, then 1.5 miles down a ski slope. Even my incredibly fit sister, who is a two-season varsity athlete at university, was not able to run the first 1.5 miles.
    I ran as fast as I could whenever in the race it was possible, but to be honest, that wasn't very often!
    Even though the amount of time being able to run was a disappointment, I still had SUCH a fun day and finished in under an hour (which was my goal from the beginning, before I saw how steep the course was!).
  • adagolden
    adagolden Posts: 146 Member
    I have just signed up for a 5k obstacle course/run. I am really only concerned about the obstacles, specifically the wall with a rope. I don't know if they have one or not, but I bet they will and I have never climbed a rope wall before and I'm worried. How did those of you who have done this before do with the wall? Is there anyway to train for this?
  • Rebekah2918
    Rebekah2918 Posts: 22 Member
    I just did Warrior Dash 2 weeks ago and had a great time!! I have ran a few 5k's so you will be fine with the C25K. There is also a back up at the obstacles where you have to wait, so you can catch your breath there.
    As for training, all I did was some upper body strength exercises for the climbing obstacles. It truly is mostly mental, all types of people completed it and everyone cheered for each other. Also, you can receive help from any other participant without being disqualified. I saw a few shorter people being helped over the top of some walls by other runners.
    As for the Run for Your Life Zombie Run, I am so there!!! We have already planned a trip around the run in Indiana in June!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Anyone have an idea on what the Warrior Dash costs? I'm looking at it for next summer, but would like toknow what to expect.

    $50 per person (the mud runs cost more than regular 5K's).
  • Faery7
    Faery7 Posts: 317 Member
    I haven't done one yet, but am sooooo excited for the Run for your Life one. I signed up for the one in Indianapolis... it's the closest one to me. Plus it'll give me plenty of time to train for it. Those walking dead have nothing on me! :)