Weight loss and terrible acid reflux!



  • estelle74uk
    estelle74uk Posts: 465 Member
    I've had reflux since I was a kid and been on some treatment or another since high school.

    Your stomach may be overproducing acid based on the expectation that you're still eating a lot, then has nothing to do with the extra acid.

    Try a 14 day course of OTC Omeprazole (generic Prilosec). It's very, very important to follow directions and take it on an empty stomach then don't eat for at least 30 minutes after. (I take mine immediately after waking, then by the time I shower and get ready I'm good to eat.) It will reduce the amount of acid your stomach produces.

    If it doesn't work or comes back after you stop the omeprazole, see a doctor.

    ETA: If you're drinking tons of water the way this site recommends, that could be aggravating the problem. Dilute acid in an otherwise empty stomach is still acid, and it's higher volume so it has a better chance of splashing out of the cardiac sphincter at the top of the stomach.

    I can def vouch for omeprazole working, they take a couple of days to work though.
  • DWilbanks
    DWilbanks Posts: 420 Member
    I have a hiatial hernia and what the doctor has suggested is, eat smaller more frequent meals and to stay away from anything with tomatoes, and acidic food. Unfortunately that means fruit too. But I find that it works and I have lest acid reflux.
  • _Ben
    _Ben Posts: 1,608 Member
    Pretty normal thing to be gassy. Talk to any muslims you know, theyll tell you how bad their breath smells because of their lack of eating. Its because your stomache acid is still active in anticipation of either the quantity or frequency of food it expects that its no longer recieving because you are dieting. I suggest maybe some extra low cal snacks, like popcorn or carrots, will settle your stomach some. This happens to me, but biggest thing Id say is keep some gum with you to keep that breath fresh!