Does anyone have trouble eating all their calories??



  • SallieBeige
    SallieBeige Posts: 341 Member
    It seems to be the general consensus that MFP calculates too many calories for most people esp. when trying to reduce. If I ate all the calories it told me to, I would gain weight.

    This is absolutely NOT the general consensus. If if were the program would be a complete failure.

    I agree, I don't think it sounds like the general consensus, but I do agree that different people are different (... luckily!! ... I think the world would be even more confusing if we were all the same! :smile: )

    My point is, for myself and Tiffany and I am sure a few more people here, my body needs less than the recommended amount on mfp. I think about it as a "normal" zone - I am simply not in it. I gain weight when I follow the recommendations. I am not entering starvation mode. I am responding to the needs of my body.

    I spreadsheet everything and have heaps of evidence - I think self-monitoring is the key. Listen to advice of others - but be motivated the most by what your own body is telling you!
  • cherryObebe
    It seems to be the general consensus that MFP calculates too many calories for most people esp. when trying to reduce. If I ate all the calories it told me to, I would gain weight.

    This is absolutely NOT the general consensus. If if were the program would be a complete failure.

  • FifiLea
    FifiLea Posts: 80 Member
    No- I love food too much. I enjoy every last one!

    This! I *never* have trouble consuming all my calories! In fact, I know I push myself harder in workouts so that I can have more calories to eat...:laugh:

    Although I do agree that I tend to make better choices because I don't want to "waste" calories on something that I won't enjoy or that I'll regret later. My children often hear me say, "I'm not eating that! I could have a piece of salmon and a load of broccoli for all those calories!" (Then they roll their eyes).

    Although some days I do "waste" calories on a chocolate bar, it's rare and when I do I *really, really* enjoy it.
  • megmariew1
    I haven't been able to eat any of my excersize calories. I mean, I could if I wanted to force myself to eat them, but I don't. When I eat good and sensibly throughout the day and then have a good workout in the evening, I'm just not hungry. I have learned in the last few weeks to listen to my body and only eat when hungry and only eat nutritious foods. Sometimes I will eat a 1/4 of them, but that's rare.
  • Wynterbourne
    Wynterbourne Posts: 2,222 Member
    I did the first month without any exercise. On my fifth week I finally started exercising and expected to be (and was a little worried about being) much hungrier than I had been before exercising. So far, save for once, I've not felt as hungry on the days I exercise. I'm a little confused by it. I've led a very sedentary life, maybe my body just hasn't had time to figure out what the heck's going on. LOL. So yes, for me I am sometimes having trouble eating all my calories because I don't want to get into a habit of forcing myself to eat when not hungry. Even if it is something calorie dense like peanut butter or nuts.