I have some questions...please

angelica0292 Posts: 10
edited October 3 in Fitness and Exercise
ok so I am trying to lose 100 pouds...really closier to 120 but anywho...

1. I am scared my skin will be all saggy...will it?
2. Will i still have those saluite things on my legs?
3. Stretch marks will they still be there?
4. What meats are not good to eat?
5. I sometimes put those 5 calorie kolade packs in my water, does that take away the value water has?
6. I can eat SOME veggies...more of a fruity girl is that ok still or should I get the V8 drinks?
7. I walk about 1 1/2 hours, sometimes more...a brisk walk
8.besides the obvious sweets and sodas, what foods are an absulte NO NO?

I am vary motivated, i want this weight off and I want to BE healthier. I want to be able to run, claim stairs, ect without feeling like im about to have a heart attack. I can't afford a gym at the moment how ever i will push myself for sure. I want to do this in 6 months IF at all possible. I have been over weight ever since I could remember and I want self confidence to walk in a room full of people and if they look at me not think "oh crap they are saying something about how I look" I want to feel great and look great and i am TOTALLY %110 comitted...just needs ome help...thanks


  • leomom72
    leomom72 Posts: 1,797 Member
    you are still young, so your skin should snap back into place fairly easily.
    possibly, but not as visible
    they will fade, but never completely leave
    not sure
    no, it just helps you be able to drink more water..but with flavor, and they are failrly no or no cals, so it wont hurt
    the more fruits and veggies, the better, its up to your particular taste
    walking is great
    dont eat much processed foods like cheese, and lunch meat, and if you do, make sure you do it in moderation...

    **my piece of advice for you, is to keep an eye on your sodium intake** maybe its just me, but it worked when i first started this..best of luck in your journey:drinker:
  • JasonSwetland
    JasonSwetland Posts: 235 Member
    Im no doc but here are my answers from my experience:

    1. I am scared my skin will be all saggy...will it?
    I seem to have waves where I get saggy skin when I loose fat but I keep exercising for muscle tone (light weight lots of repetitions) and lots of cardio. It then tightens up and suddenly I loose more. Eventually you will have lost the fat and your skin will be tight.

    2. Will i still have those saluite things on my legs?

    Do you mean the cottage cheese looking lumps and divits? NO! They are from fat and they WILL go away. It takes time, dont give up.

    3. Stretch marks will they still be there?

    They are still on my tummy but are getting harder to see. I also have a few scars from a knee surgery and appendix removal that have become much less visable. I imagine as I get closer to my goal weight and continue exercising they will really disappear or nearly dissappear, but I dont think they will totally go away. You will hardly notice them Is what will happen.

    4. What meats are not good to eat?

    Its usually the portion size that is the problem. Red meats are often frowned upon, white meats (chicken pork) are usually preferred and fish are reccomended. Personally I am vegetarian now and I do not eat meat and am healthy as an Ox.

    5. I sometimes put those 5 calorie kolade packs in my water, does that take away the value water has?

    NO, however you should drink 8 eight ounce glasses of plain water in addition to the low cal kool aid, tea, diet soda or coffee you drink, as a minimum per day. You will loose weight faster, drinking more plain water, but that does not mean dont enjoy the other drinks, by all means keep enjoying them.

    6. I can eat SOME veggies...more of a fruity girl is that ok still or should I get the V8 drinks?

    I reccomend drinking Veggie juice and limiting the fruit juice- heres why- fruit juice has lots of natural sugar. You can buy a juicer and make combined juice- fruit and veggie juice. Watch the movie "Fat sick and nearly dead" for more info, but by combining the two you will still get good fruit flavor and vegetable micronutrients and vitamins that will make you feel amazing.

    7. I walk about 1 1/2 hours, sometimes more...a brisk walk
    Great! Keep that up it helps tremendously for your weight loss. Be sure to record it in your exercise log so you can monitor your progress.

    8.besides the obvious sweets and sodas, what foods are an absulte NO NO?

    No food is an absolute NO NO EXCEPT- food that would be a trigger for you to binge eat. For me that is Pizza. I love it and I can eat three larges on my own. So I have learned to eat all the other stuff I love that doesnt trigger me too eat excessively or in a binge. You can also strategize to share your favorite food with a friend, or to order the smallest portion when it is really high in calories. Planning what you will get always helps avoid over doing it. Also Make sure you drink extra water which will make you feel full AND it will cut back on hunger pains.

    Add me as a friend Ill support your efforts!!!! Good luck!!!
  • 1. skin bounces back better the younger you are... you should be ok.
    2. Cellulite may or may not go away...
    3. Stretch marks are there forever, although the do fade and you can get stuff to put on them to fade them more...
    4. lean meat is best, although I have lost 50 lbs and I eat bacon all the time, just in moderation and within my calorie limit
    5. if the flavor helps you to consume 8-10 glasses of water a day, then do it. just make sure you count the calories
    6. Check the label on the V8 and see what is in that stuff. Whole veggies are better... fresh fruit and veggies are best.
    7. walking is great. when you can, add in some strength training.. even if its just a DVD from Jillian or something. Lean muscle burns more calories when you are at rest. Took me a bit to work up to Jillian, but I started by walking
    8. Try to eat whole foods.. not processed..(i.e. 100 % whole wheat bread not white... whole grains, fresh fruit and veggies)

    I'd say it is best to not push your goals too hard. Just change your lifestyle, and work towards your goal weight, but realize it could take longer than 6 months to lose 120 lbs in a healthy way.

    Welcome and good luck to you!
  • No food is an absolute no no, but I agree about limiting your salt intake. Salt will make you retain water in your cells and is often why people swell. Processed foods have a lot of salt in them and very littel nutritional value. Make sure you are eating all of your calories or your body will think it is starving and slow down the metabolism causing you not to loose the weight. Choose a day of the week your will allow yourself a treat. McDonal sundaes are made with yogurt 130 calories (for the carmel only). Watch the fruits because of the calories. Make small changes at a time to help you stay motivated. Good luck, this is really a great website to help you with your goal.
  • EliRob
    EliRob Posts: 53 Member
    I am so glad that you have asked these questions! Many of them are my own! I just started MFP, and have about 100 (probably more) to lose too! I really like everyone’s answers, it sure makes me feel better having some answers! Good Luck!
  • 10fairywings
    10fairywings Posts: 136 Member
    ok so I am trying to lose 100 pouds...really closier to 120 but anywho...

    1. I am scared my skin will be all saggy...will it?
    2. Will i still have those saluite things on my legs?
    3. Stretch marks will they still be there?
    4. What meats are not good to eat?
    5. I sometimes put those 5 calorie kolade packs in my water, does that take away the value water has?
    6. I can eat SOME veggies...more of a fruity girl is that ok still or should I get the V8 drinks?
    7. I walk about 1 1/2 hours, sometimes more...a brisk walk
    8.besides the obvious sweets and sodas, what foods are an absulte NO NO?

    I am vary motivated, i want this weight off and I want to BE healthier. I want to be able to run, claim stairs, ect without feeling like im about to have a heart attack. I can't afford a gym at the moment how ever i will push myself for sure. I want to do this in 6 months IF at all possible. I have been over weight ever since I could remember and I want self confidence to walk in a room full of people and if they look at me not think "oh crap they are saying something about how I look" I want to feel great and look great and i am TOTALLY %110 comitted...just needs ome help...thanks

    Hello there,

    Great to hear you so motivated!! I would just like to add a few points to the answers above.
    Do you have stretch marks on you stomach area (I do) if you do the skin will find it harder to snap back into place and tbh this doesn't always happen anyway. The best way to avoid loose skin after dieting is to religiously do muscle work, by lifting HEAVY weights. Please please don't do light weights with lots of repititions it doesn't work anywhere near as effectively, and it's exhausting! The answer is heavy weights and fewer repititions. (I have a blog on this) I know you say you can't get to a gym (which is the best way to do this) but you could invest in some weights and/or kettle bells. They need to be heavy so don't buy the lightest lol!
    Also fruit is great but full of sugar! Try sticking to apples, pears and a few berries and melon instead of the more sugary ones.
    I couldn't aggree more with trying to avoid processed foods, so do your best on that one!

    Good Luck with it all!!! Here to help anytime you need it!!! :) x

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • Thank you all so much for your answers. i will deffently keep this all in mind. but when i was the same amount every day will my body just get used to it and not do anything? Sorry if that is a really stupid question, like I said I am a COMPLETE newbie. lol
  • McKayMachina
    McKayMachina Posts: 2,670 Member
    1. I am scared my skin will be all saggy...will it? Maybe. I have about the same to lose and so far (60 lbs. down), the only saggy skin is my elbows. lol And only barely. My boobs are another story! D':
    2. Will i still have those saluite things on my legs? I don't know if you will still have cellulite but losing that much fat will DRASTICALLY improve the appearance!
    3. Stretch marks will they still be there? Absolutely. But they will shrink and fade.
    4. What meats are not good to eat? I pretty much only eat chicken anymore but eat what you like!
    5. I sometimes put those 5 calorie kolade packs in my water, does that take away the value water has? None whatsoever. You can count those toward your water intake. Same is true for green and white teas! They aren't enough of a diuretic to adversely affect hydration. :)
    6. I can eat SOME veggies...more of a fruity girl is that ok still or should I get the V8 drinks? Frozen veggies are cheap, tasty, nutritious and easy. You can nuke them and mix some into just about anything. :) Fruit has fructose which is a sugar that can add up so limit fruit to no more than 2-3 servings per day. Some people are more lenient on sugar but it's smart to watch it.
    7. I walk about 1 1/2 hours, sometimes more...a brisk walk: That's cool. That's more than I exercise! Good work!
    8.besides the obvious sweets and sodas, what foods are an absulte NO NO? Nothing is a no-no. Eat what you like within your calorie and macronutrient (carbs, protein, fat) guidelines. And remember, it's okay to go over on protein and even fat. Carbs are good to stick close to goal.

    Hope it helps. Good luck!
  • ok so I am trying to lose 100 pouds...really closier to 120 but anywho...

    1. I am scared my skin will be all saggy...will it?
    2. Will i still have those saluite things on my legs?
    3. Stretch marks will they still be there?
    4. What meats are not good to eat?
    5. I sometimes put those 5 calorie kolade packs in my water, does that take away the value water has?
    6. I can eat SOME veggies...more of a fruity girl is that ok still or should I get the V8 drinks?
    7. I walk about 1 1/2 hours, sometimes more...a brisk walk
    8.besides the obvious sweets and sodas, what foods are an absulte NO NO?

    1. It is difficult to say - if you lose lots of weight really quickly you're skin is more likely to sag compared to if you lose the weight slowly. Also, read an interesting article on this: http://www.bodyfatguide.com/LooseSkin.htm definitely worth a look. Basically says that if you do strength training you won't have loose skin.
    2. Cellulite is a tricky thing. Even some extremely toned people will still have cellulite as it can be genetic. Improving health and diet will definitely help improve the appearance of it - and may make it completely disappear.
    3. Stretch marks never go away I am sorry to say. However they do fade over time and become almost invisible.
    4. Different people have varying opinions on this. IMO no meats are bad - it is the fat in the meat and the portions that are bad. Eat lean cuts and stick to reasonable portions. Fish is recommended 2 times a week.
    5. I would say that you need the 8 glasses of plain water - how you use calories outside of that is up to you though. I'm not an expert however.
    6. I would avoid bought juice like the plague. Most of the nutrients from fruits and vegetables are strpped when they are in prepackaged, long life juice. In fact a lot of juices have similar sugar levels to soft drink. If you don't like eating veges and fruit whole - at least blend it yourself. It is recommended to have 5 servings of vegetables and 2 of fruit. Don't substitute vege servings for fruit as fruit is quite high in natural sugars. Try to get the full servings of veges in. I used to not like many veges but there are ways to make them more appealing:
    - grate or finely cut carrot, zucchini and/or capsicum and put in your bolognaise sauce
    - cut up and roast veges and toss through some couscous to make a roast vege salad as a side dish
    Look at parenting sites for other ways, or the book "deceptively delicious" as they have tips for disguising veges to get kids to eat them. Experiment with foods. Over the last couple of years I have found that I actually really, really like foods that I was adament that I hated!
    7. Walking is a great form of exercise. If you want to avoid losing muscle mass as well as fat (and avoid loose skin) I recommend doing strength and resistance training also.
    8. Don't deprive yourself completely of every food. Allow yourself to have "treats" within your calorie allowance every now and then - and I mean every now and then so that they are treats - so you don't feel deprived and have a binge. Also listen to your body.

    Also, I recommend, that while it is good to have a time that you would like to lose the weight by - don't be too strict on it. This is more about creating a healthy life change, not a quick fix. Try to make more action-oriented goals - and reward yourself for them! ie. put your name down for a fun run that is taking place in six months and work towards being fit enough to compete, have a bubble bath when you have logged all your food every day for 2 weeks etc. It can be very disheartening if you have a particular time frame in mind you want to lose the weight by and things don't happen as quickly as you would like - often resulting in giving up altogether. Just remind yourself that this isn't so you look good for one day in six months, this is so you feel great every day for the rest of your life.
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