Need to get back on the wagon!

maritimemom Posts: 192
Hi everyone!

I need to get my motivation back! I was doing so well. I lost 30lbs from May 10 to August 20 and I felt great! On August 21, I had a week vacation from work and I decided to take a week "off" of exercising and logging my food. BIG MISTAKE! The problem is, I went back to work the following Monday but never started exercising and logging again. It's been a little over a month now and I've gained back about 6-7lbs. :( I DON'T want to go back to my old habits and I want to reach my goal. I need to start exercising again but I think I was getting bored with my workouts when I fell off the wagon. I'm very limited as to what I can do because my husband and I work opposite shifts and I can't get out of the house to go for a jog or to the gym 'cause I have to stay home with the kids (while he sleeps or he's at work). What I was doing was DVDs and playing Wii games. I think I need something different....

What keeps you motivated?


  • dchienku
    dchienku Posts: 625 Member
    make some space in ur living room and hula hoop or prentend to jump rope. hope those help
  • lbeasey
    lbeasey Posts: 254 Member
    How old are the kids? Take them on a walk, jog or to the playground and play with them. I walk at a park during my daughters cross country practice. It is amazing how many families are out there with their children running at a very early age (3)!!! Don't let your kids be an excuse that is why I am where I am let them be your motivation. They will do what they see mom doing!!!
  • Hi, this happened to me too! I fell off and I had only really started. A friend called and asked me how I was going and I think that just to hear someone actually cared about where I was helped. So I made a motion to get back into it and been going 3 days solid now, that is a huge achievement in my busy life. I have 4 kids with 3 under school age and a hubby that is gone 13 hours of a day. Leaves little time for me. I feel that the 3 weeks I had off, I became a little under the weather because I was falling back into the same old habits and making excuses rather than being strong. I also too feel like I was bored with what I was doing. Now I know that even if it is only half hour exercise, it's that little bit further towards the goal. Just remember it is for YOU!!! Just do it girl! You know you want to.

    Melliimoo :)
  • I go to the YMCA. They have such a variety of exercise classes, including water aerobics, that keep it different. I'm easily bored and so far I haven't been in the several months I've been going. The classes also have different levels so you can take pick one that fits you...:wink:
  • so helpful finding someone else needing support. bad week of fixing excuses for myself. enough already people. Lets DO THIS THING
  • angeleyes4643
    angeleyes4643 Posts: 151 Member
    How old are the kids? Take them on a walk, jog or to the playground and play with them. I walk at a park during my daughters cross country practice. It is amazing how many families are out there with their children running at a very early age (3)!!! Don't let your kids be an excuse that is why I am where I am let them be your motivation. They will do what they see mom doing!!!

    I totally agree. If they are toddlers put them in a stroller and walk. If they are old enough to ride bikes let them ride while you walk. Play Wii games with them. No matter how hard it is force yourself to get back into your old routine (at lease temporarily) and then you can switch it up. There are days I dont' want to go to the gym or zumba but I force myself and then when I get there I'm fine and actually having fun. You can do this !
  • You can do et! I'm a mum to a 3 year old girl and 2 year old boy... it is a challenge but on those rough days walking and I know it sounds insane but keeping 10 lb weights in your car and finding a field for them to play balls kites or Frisbee or just run beside me as I lunge do sprints and push ups etc has been a good way to just get in 20 minutes when they are whiny or acting pent up. I probably look crazy to passersby by I always feel better after I do something/anything for furthering myself towards my goals. I'm pretty frugal and only hit a gym 2-3 times per month making use of childcare there so I too do DVDs, run when hubby relieves me and walk somewhere when we are free. Every bit counts.
  • Thanks everyone! :) I appreciate the suggestions and support!
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