medications known to slow down weight loss??

Alright ive establised that I need to consume a bit more calories than I have been since starting here... I guess now I have a question about being on medications while trying to loose weight.. I mentioned in another posting that I am an asthmatic... Consequently the drs have me on Singulair , advair and Albuterol inhaler (for emergencies) . In addition to that im on Ambien for sleeping..

Dont get me wrong ..Im NOT going to go off my meds in order to loose lbs.. but I was wondering if there are medications that slow down the weight loss process? Just asking so I dont set some expectations for loss that are (in my present medical situation) too aggressive and end up getting discouraged


  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    The pill, but I don't think you need to worry about that one! :wink:
  • Jennloella
    Jennloella Posts: 2,286 Member
    lots of medications list weight gain or weight loss as a possible side effect. Best thing to do is either ask your pharmacist for a complete list of side effects of all meds you are taking, or get a drug guide to look them up yourself, or look them up for free from a good website (I use WEB MD a lot to check drug interactions) good luck ;) and you're right , sometimes knowing you have the cards stacked a little bit against you can give you the motivation to work harder.
  • tammylwv
    tammylwv Posts: 155 Member
    Check with your doctor. He/she would be best to answer that. I am on different medications too and some of them can deter weight loss but as long as your active and have a caloric deficit you should still lose weight. Good luck!

    Alright ive establised that I need to consume a bit more calories than I have been since starting here... I guess now I have a question about being on medications while trying to loose weight.. I mentioned in another posting that I am an asthmatic... Consequently the drs have me on Singulair , advair and Albuterol inhaler (for emergencies) . In addition to that im on Ambien for sleeping..

    Dont get me wrong ..Im NOT going to go off my meds in order to loose lbs.. but I was wondering if there are medications that slow down the weight loss process? Just asking so I dont set some expectations for loss that are (in my present medical situation) too aggressive and end up getting discouraged
    MIMITIME Posts: 405 Member
    Certain antidepressants for sure. I have also read that high blood pressure medications cause weight gain. A wonderful place to check your particular medications is webmd. It gives detailed information about a drug and is very helpful to me.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    Any steroid will inhibit weight loss. Your inhalers are steroids. My suggestion is to talk with your doctor that prescribed those and see what to do diet-wise to counter the steroid. I'm not really sure you can, though.
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I don't know about you, but when I was on Ambien I would stuff my face and have no memory of it the next day. It definitely helped me sleep, but the memory loss wasn't worth it for me.
  • oswaldbowser
    oswaldbowser Posts: 164 Member
    Advair and Albuterol are actually abused by athletes to enhance performance and lose weight !

    Singulair however in some people does increase weight..... but as you are probably starting eat healthly now (or should be) I would not let it worry you to much
  • I don't know about you, but when I was on Ambien I would stuff my face and have no memory of it the next day. It definitely helped me sleep, but the memory loss wasn't worth it for me.

    Yeah I agree with you .. I am actually in fact working with my Dr to change to another sleep aid.. I hate not remembering ANY after taking the Ambien . LOL my wife thinks for some reason the best time to discuss the concerns of the day is when where in bed... she gets soo frusterated that I dont recall ANY of the conversation
  • SusanMcAvoy
    SusanMcAvoy Posts: 445 Member
    Why do you need to consumme more calories since you started MFP? Is your gaol to gain weight? I am a medical assistant and used to have a problem with asthma. I was very allergic to my cats and ended up in the emergency room quite often will a full blown asthma attack. I remember all the drugs and breathing treatmets they administered to me. I was sent home to use albuterol to maintain. It always seemed to me tha the treatments increased my metabolism. I could never sleep once I came home from the hospital. The only drugs that really slow down your metabolism due to asthma are steriods such as prednisone. They work great for asthma but you can bet you'll gain. I think any time you have a question about medications and their side effects you should double check with a pharmacist. I wish you the best of luck!!!
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    Steriods, which are commonly found in asthma medications can make you keep a few pounds around.

    I just weaned off a migraine medication that I'm pretty sure was causing weight gain. I've only been off it a week, and I've lost a pound. I have been eating like a pig too. I'm pretty sure that was slowing my progress significantly. My migraines had almost completely gone away (thankfully) so I don't think I need the preventative medications anymore.

    I also plan on getting off birth control pills soon for the same reason.

    The moral of the story is that you should read the pamphlets that come with your prescriptions thoroughly and talk to your doctor if you see the words "increased appetite" or "weight gain" anywhere in the side effects. A lot of times, they can come up with alternative medications to cure what ails you.
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I don't know about you, but when I was on Ambien I would stuff my face and have no memory of it the next day. It definitely helped me sleep, but the memory loss wasn't worth it for me.

    Yeah I agree with you .. I am actually in fact working with my Dr to change to another sleep aid.. I hate not remembering ANY after taking the Ambien . LOL my wife thinks for some reason the best time to discuss the concerns of the day is when where in bed... she gets soo frusterated that I dont recall ANY of the conversation
    LOL... me and my husband forget what each other has said, but we can't blame it on Ambien.:laugh:
  • mandylooo
    mandylooo Posts: 456 Member
    I am an asthmatic... Consequently the drs have me on Singulair , advair and Albuterol inhaler (for emergencies) . In addition to that im on Ambien for sleeping..

    Advair contains a corticosteroid which could make you gain weight, however, very little is absorbed systemically (ie. from the lung into the bloodstream or from the gut into the bloodstream for the bit which impacts on the back of your throat and gets swallowed) so it should not be as much of a problem as taking an oral steroid.
  • Why do you need to consumme more calories since you started MFP? Is your gaol to gain weight? I am a medical assistant and used to have a problem with asthma. I was very allergic to my cats and ended up in the emergency room quite often will a full blown asthma attack. I remember all the drugs and breathing treatmets they administered to me. I was sent home to use albuterol to maintain. It always seemed to me tha the treatments increased my metabolism. I could never sleep once I came home from the hospital. The only drugs that really slow down your metabolism due to asthma are steriods such as prednisone. They work great for asthma but you can bet you'll gain. I think any time you have a question about medications and their side effects you should double check with a pharmacist. I wish you the best of luck!!!
    WELLLLL the story goes like this ....
    I started using MFP strictly from my blackberry initially ... During that time I was kinda ignorant about what truly goes into counting calories... MFP said I needed to keep at 1500 to loose ... so I thought "if I have to stay at 1500 to loose ....staying at 1000 or less can only help me loose faster (logical huh?)" THEN i started using the site as well and found that I was sending myself into "starvation mode" by staying at less than +- 1000.

    I dont have to worry about the prednisone = weight gain correlation as im VERY epinephrine (sp?) sensitive so I stay away from drugs like that ..
  • acciomuscles
    acciomuscles Posts: 164 Member
    I don't know about you, but when I was on Ambien I would stuff my face and have no memory of it the next day. It definitely helped me sleep, but the memory loss wasn't worth it for me.

    Yeah I agree with you .. I am actually in fact working with my Dr to change to another sleep aid.. I hate not remembering ANY after taking the Ambien . LOL my wife thinks for some reason the best time to discuss the concerns of the day is when where in bed... she gets soo frusterated that I dont recall ANY of the conversation

    Have you tried melatonin? It's definitely waaay less powerful than Ambien, but I find that it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep without becoming a zombie.
  • I don't know about you, but when I was on Ambien I would stuff my face and have no memory of it the next day. It definitely helped me sleep, but the memory loss wasn't worth it for me.

    Yeah I agree with you .. I am actually in fact working with my Dr to change to another sleep aid.. I hate not remembering ANY after taking the Ambien . LOL my wife thinks for some reason the best time to discuss the concerns of the day is when where in bed... she gets soo frusterated that I dont recall ANY of the conversation

    Have you tried melatonin? It's definitely waaay less powerful than Ambien, but I find that it helps me fall asleep and stay asleep without becoming a zombie.

    hey thats a good idea..I kinda forgot about that.. I used it everyday when i was staying in India for 6 weeks back in 2006. They are 9.5 hours ahead of us here in the States and it worked wonders to adjust the internal clock ...
  • From what I know, there is no straight, black & white answer to this question. Different meds affect different people differently in some instances. I work with ex-psychiatric patients and some of the mood altering meds, sleep meds have adverse effects but I am no expert. Like some have suggested, it's better to talk to a professional [doctor or pharmacist].