just joined a couple of days ago

Hi. I am 31 years old. I am very heavy. I requested weight reduction surgery from my Doctor and was informed my BMI is too high for the lapband procedure. This was the kick in the seat i needed to get moving. I have decided to make changes in my diet, and to exercise. I have not actually exercised in ten years or more. I am having trouble accepting the fact I cant just start up and be able to walk 3 miles at a time or do an hour or aerobics or yoga. I can do about a mile and a half without being too tired, and 15 minutes each of the others. I know I will eventually get there, but this is frustrating. I will not give up though!


  • annieownsx
    annieownsx Posts: 6 Member
    Motivation is the key. Good luck!!!
  • Davali
    Davali Posts: 225 Member
    Hi and welcome on board - you'll get there if you take it one step at a time, and hopefully have a great ride along the way! From personal experience the results are worth the effort. I started out and didn't exercise for at least 4 months, and even then only did short walks.
  • Arturojaquez
    Arturojaquez Posts: 8 Member
    just do what you can and try to increase little by little weekly.... your taking the first step to changing for the life for the better.... good luck
  • Hi, i just joined a few days ago as well, it is hard to exercise when you cant get very far but i started off walking 15mins away from home and then 15 back and did this in the morning and evening. I found i was getting farther away in the 15mins so then upped the time to 20mins each direction and am now up to doing 3miles 5 days a week and 6miles at the weekend with my husband and the dog. Stick with it and remember there is always someone on here to chat too
  • karo224
    karo224 Posts: 292
    welcome...i am kathy and i can tell you that it is very tough when you first start. i would literally only walk 10 minutes at first and then it would be 15....and so on. it is a process that you build on. i think of it as" baby steps". it is a marathon and you have to pace yourself for the long haul. the people on here are super supportive if you surround yourself with the right people. they are experiencing the same thing and will help you through all the ups and downs and the good days and the BAD days. we all have them and you will too!
    just hang tough and you will be successful! best of luck to you
  • smashleyt
    smashleyt Posts: 36 Member
    WELCOME!! Remember that this is a journey....take it one day at a time! You will find that this website and the people on it are SO supportive and motivating! You can DO this!! Please feel free to add me and we can motivate each other. :) GOOD LUCK!!!
  • pholbert
    pholbert Posts: 575 Member
    Welcome. Just do what you can , the trick is to be consistant. Work the diary. You are on the right foot pun intended. You can do it. Just be patient with yourself and you will see results.
  • Shineonme06
    Shineonme06 Posts: 73 Member
  • Wow! Amazed at all the support! I know people close to me are going to get fed up hearing about this journey fairly quickly. Im glad i can come here and vent, brag, fuss, whatever I need
  • I have rejoined two weeks ago, let me tell you it was hard for me to take time for me... I try to walk 1 1/2 mile on my lunch and another mile before dinner.. which I will tell you it is hard to stick with... at night I come up with some excuse why I can't... then I go to my mirror or recent pics of me and say ok stay like this... It is all the motivation I need , plus I come here to look for additional motivation.. YOU HAVE THE POWER WITHIN YOU, JUST LOOK DEEP IT IS THERE.
  • welcome. you've come to the right place, we are all here to offer you encouragement and support....we'll walk with you and eventually we will be running together x
  • Hello!

    My parents and my Aunt all had weight loss surgery together a few years ago. It was a slow start in getting the excersise that they needed, but they kept at it and all three of them lost over 100 lbs. My aunt lost over 170 lbs. Just a little at a time until you buld up your endurance and you will get there!
