Need some myfitness friends

Hey whats up? I need some motivational fitness friends for 6'2 230 but i wanna be 6'2 190! Im 22, lets do this! Add me! :)


  • I did this post from my phone so I wanted to formally introduce myself..

    my name is Michael, I'm 22 and a college student. My weight goal is something that I've struggled with...I think it was because for the longest time I wasnt monitoring my weight, I would just look in the mirror each night and say eh yeah you still look like you did yesterday instead of sticking to the numbers!!

    anyways, I am desparate to lose this weight. I really want a six pack, not just a two pack LOL...and I will get it because when I am persistant about something its all I can think about.....

    so if there anyone else out there, ( male or female ) who is ready to lose some weight add me as a friend and lets shed some pounds.