RUNNERS!!! Why did you sign up for a Marathon?

I'm just curious why some of you ran your first Marathon, or are training for your first. Is it to feel accomplished? To tackle the next distance in the line-up? To follow in a family member's footsteps?

Whatever the reason, I'd love to hear what it was that motivated you enough to warrant the hundreds of miles and hours of training. Thanks. :smile:


  • speakz82
    It's been a life long dream.

    When I was a kid, I wasn't fat but wasn't "athletic" by any means. I was always the last kid to run the "mile run" in school, and was even called grandma by my gym teacher. :P I finally did it, and live for running. Told by family members I don't have the genetic makeup of a runner, so don't even bother with it. All those years of negativity caught up to me, and I let it fuel me to chase after one of my dreams. Maybe not as exciting as everyone else's answer, but I remember people telling me I couldn't. It got me through my entire race last week.
  • Kellysue32
    I ran the Tucson Marathon 12 years ago after losing 150 pounds...I did it just to say that I could. Stressful job, baby, and moving kept me from maintaining my loss. Well, I take that inability to handle life stresses made gaining weight easy :(

    Anyway, now I am back to running and loving every minute of it. Training for a half in November but would love to do another full next year!
  • Mommawarrior
    Mommawarrior Posts: 897 Member
    I have not signed up for my first one yet, I did my first half marathon August 21st of this year. I want to run a marathon more than anything in the world and I can not tell you why. I don't know why. I just want to. I love to run. I love to sweat, I love to run for long long distances just to do it. It relaxes me I guess. I love the feeling for the next several hours, the "runners high" they call it. I just love to run. I am not big on time, I would love to get to a 9 minute mile, but I am not in it to win, I am in it to run.
  • WildflowerAL
    WildflowerAL Posts: 41 Member
    I decided I needed a challenge. I will complete a marathon and two 50k's between now and January 30, 2012. Once you start--you can't quit!
  • lisab42
    lisab42 Posts: 98 Member
    Started because of a need to prove something to the world.
    Lost 80lbs and it
    Changed to a need to prove something to myself.
    Now I continue because I love it,
    love it,
    love it.
  • wbgolden
    wbgolden Posts: 2,071 Member
    I want to finish a half with no walking this time. Next goal is a full Marathon, I'm thinking June.

    Why? Because I want to be that guy crying like a baby on the home stretch, as I start to realize the magnitude of what I am about to accomplish.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
    Last Year I was obese and lost 50 pounds by joining a weight loss support group name TOPS. As a result of my success, I was name Maryland TOPS King for 2010. A group of TOPS members plan to walk the Baltimore Marathon but I got bored while training and decided a bigger challenge would be to run the race and maybe inspire others to live a healthy lifestyle.

    Also my marathon buddies who decided to run the Baltimore Half marathon didn't even invite to run with them so I have a chip on my shoulders to prove I can do it despite the race course having lots of hills.

    Learning proper nutrition and hydration has been the biggest challenge.

  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    On long run training days, and during the early morning, 5:00 am runs, I likely ask myself this question at LEAST once every mile...


    If I ever figure out the answer you'll be the first to know, AZ...
  • NashvilleShelley
    I signed up for a half marathon in April 2012. I did it because two years ago I walked one mile to the store and had to sit down half way there and half way back. I could not believe how out of shape I was. Last year I did the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer 39.3 miles. I still smile when I think about that. I walked every inch with a huge blister down the entire side of my left foot at about the 22 mile mark. I sort of slacked off on my walking since then and have found it hard to walk 3 miles. So, I have started walking again... 5-6 miles per day. I am up to running about 5 mins. of it. I sure hope by April I can run more! I can walk 13 miles in 3 hours so I am hoping to finish the half marathon in under 3 hours. Not a huge goal for most people but it will be for me. I want to finish it and not come in last!
  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    It has always been on my list of things to do in my lifetime.

    Last year started running again after some injuries forced me away from soccer and running for 2 years. Started C25K last February to ease myself back in slowly, ran my first 5K last April and have run 29 other races since. Early this year I decided this was my year and I registered for my marathon before I even ran my first half. I have not faltered or wavered on my commitment and am looking forward to crossing that finish line in November! I think you just know when it's time to do it!
  • mhughescmu
    mhughescmu Posts: 26 Member
    I decided to run the 1/2 marathon next year - ****'s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon. I have only run five races in my life, four 5Ks and one 5 mile. I have been inactive for two years ( I will use job as an excuse). I picked a 1/2 marathon, because I cannot imagine running a full marathon at this point. Frankly mompleting the 1/2 marathon is also pretty far out there, but it is my goal--but more than that it is a reward for the work I will do between last Wednesday (Day 1) and race day in May 2012 to finally get in shape.

    At 45-years-old I have been a yo-yo dieter, I have ranged from ok shape to just out of shape but not obese. I will use the first 90 days to build my body. I need to dramtically increase my cardio vascular capacity, I need to get some muscles built up and I would like to tighten my core (no I don't need washboard abs I just was to lose the dad spare tire).

    I would like to go from 208 to 175 from race day. Sorry women I drop weight quickly, but the last 10 pounds will be the hardest. My low over the last 20 years was 184 in June 2009.

    I have never lifted weights and I am working with a trainer to develop a plan. I don't want bulging muscles just toned.

    In January, I hopefully will have completed a lot of capacity building in terms of my cardio vascular work. Then I have a four month training schedule to get me from what I hope will be being able to run comfortably five miles up to the 13.1. As I said the goal is to finish, but I would like to do it under 2:15.

    So why: The rest of my trainwreck life is coming back together. I am doing this for me because it is outside of my comfort range and if I can do this I feel I will have broken through a barrier that to this point has been outside my capacity to achieve.

  • LixxiKitti
    I've got a half marathon in about 5/6 weeks.
    I signed up because I LOVE running and love races and also I've always been really unfit etc so I wanted to prove to myself that I'm different now.
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    On long run training days, and during the early morning, 5:00 am runs, I likely ask myself this question at LEAST once every mile...


    If I ever figure out the answer you'll be the first to know, AZ...

    I love this. I swore after my first and only marathon in 2009 when I was hurting and cried during miles 22-26 because of poor training (ran the full in 6.5 hrs :( --- I have since ran 7 halfs and 5ks, with my PR at 1:57) that I would never run another full, well I am running one next year after two more halfs.

    I ask myself this during every every long run... and the day before the event.
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    On a serious note, I signed up for my first marathon to give myself a challenge, to have a goal to achieve, and to prove to other people that I was able and capable of doing it, regardless of how critical they were of my abilities. It's been a long summer of training but as race day gets closer I'm so glad I decided to do this for myself. The sense of accomplishment I get each time I achieve a new "first" or reach a new goal on the training plan is like nothing else I can compare it to. I certainly don't get that at my job right now (let's not go there) and the marathon training has helped keep me somewhat sane this summer. I can't wait for race day in 3 weeks !
  • Scoobiesnax
    Scoobiesnax Posts: 148 Member
    I'm loving some of the responses here so far...some really awesome and inspirational stories !
  • mafery
    mafery Posts: 167 Member
    Oh yeah to answer the question, to finish a full marathon before turning 40 AND i just lost the bulk of my weight, I lost 95 lbs. Now it is to beat my best time in a half and for a full to erase that bad memory from my first one along with that 6.5 hour time tied to my name.
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am a runner...but I am a true distance runner....I can run a steady pace for a long long time yet put me on a track for a 100 meters of even the 800 meters and I just don't shine....I get tremendous joy from running. Marathons were on my bucket list and after having 4 kids in 6 years I was running steadily again I sat with hubby for a while and said if I am ever going to do this...the time is now...well we made it happen last year and are making it happen again this year. I also use my marathons for cancer fundraising. I wanted to be able to say I had done ONE...but I will run many more before I am through...
  • silkysly
    silkysly Posts: 701 Member
    I did the Warrior Dash because I thought I could. (5K with obstacles) I’m 49 & more fit than anyone I know, so I thought WTH? I placed 15th in my age class & 437 outta 7,763 other people. That’s even with all the 20-something peeps. I’m running the Indy 500 Mini next.
  • 2dayirun4me
    2dayirun4me Posts: 336 Member
    Because I believed in myself and knew in my heart that i could finish it, and i did Akron Road Runner Marathon 2010, Cincinnati's Flying Pig 2011.
  • Adrenaline_Queen
    Adrenaline_Queen Posts: 626 Member
    I have never trained, little bits but nothing much untill the last couple of years... Now I love the buzz I get from training and running... wow what a high... :love:

    I ran the Bath half this March then the Bristol half this month, never ran before in my life, then at TKD camp last year I liked the buzzz I got from running to the beach at 7am every morning only 2 and a half miles, I was so unfit then, also we trained for an hour on the beach and in the water, then jogged back to camp...

    Came home and looked online for the Bath half!!

    I wanted to do something my children could watch me do and cheers on others at the same time and i wanted to do a half marathon before I was 40.

    Before the Bath half, I only ran about 3/5 times, twisted my ankle and had to rest for a couple of weeks, 3 miles once 6.

    I do a lot of cardio have been for nearly 2 years, so that was not a problem, but I could not walk for 2 days after!! My legs where not used to it!! Lesson learnt!! xx

    So for the Bristol half I trained, well ran once a week whilst still doing my cardoi workouts. But I had put on a stone in a month, so did not do so well... Did not notice until I seen the pictures on the Internet!! I thought whoooooooooo.... Hence being here...

    Am looking forward to doing the next Bath half in March 2012, will train evern harder for that one and be even fitter.... And have less weight to carry, I would be able to run so much faster then! xx

    I would love to jog more, but my motorvation is pants!!! I like the buzz after several miles, but getting to that point is hard, I just cant be assed, if that makes sense??

    Joining a running group this Thursday and will see if that helps xx