need exercise advise



  • PurdyMommy
    PurdyMommy Posts: 378 Member
    I know I only have 1 so far and you have 4 but I do babysit my nephew who is 1 and he just watches me in Ahhhh but my 3yr old loves to workout with me. I use Walk Away the Pounds by Leslie sanasom and Its so you and your kids can walk, kick, lift their knees and step side to side.... It soes get a lil difficult witha few more things you can do and tell them to just walk... Zoe does venture off to her room which is in my eye site sometimes but she does do good when i workout... She has started to realize mommy is changing. She even tells people Water when Im suppose to order a drink... LOL Kids need to learn exercise & healthy eatting at an early age these days. GOOD LUCK!
  • stephenie7
    i seen that on there but never tried it i will check it out thanks