pieve at the gym?

jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
Idk WHY....but for some reason I have noticed that people who get on the elliptical machines that have the arm handles and don't use them....bug me. HAHAHAHA! I mean...there are like 75 elliptical machines on the floor, all in a row and I'd say 50 have the arm handles, and the other 25 are just the legs. Now...I get on the one with the arms because I want to maximize my workout and I place my hands above my heart etc etc etc. For some reason, I just notice that people always get on the ones with the arms and never use them, i'm like...why don't you use the ones that don't have them? It doesn't make me mad,,,,it's just something I noticed. I think it's just my OCD. LOL.

OH! one thing that DOES bug people who get on the elliptical and go so fast and hard it seems they are trying to manually take off on an aircraft into space....i'm like're already skinny, you'd be better off running on the treadmill. And DONT BREAK THE MACHINE! I can hear the cranking and clicking thru my headphones! LMAOOO

Am i the only one?


  • Iamfit4life
    Iamfit4life Posts: 3,095 Member
    I'm the person you hate ready to orbit into space.

    I notice I literally leave a pool of sweat under the machine lol

    Go big or go home!

    Not much bugs me at the gym. Except people talking to me. It's my time, I have no time to talk or pay attention to anybody.
  • timeforme23
    I'm the person you hate ready to orbit into space.

    I notice I literally leave a pool of sweat under the machine lol

    Go big or go home!

    Not much bugs me at the gym. Except people talking to me. It's my time, I have no time to talk or pay attention to anybody.

    Same here, If that sweat is pouring im doing a good job. I also dont use the arm handles. I find I get a much better burn by using my legs to fight the resistance and end up slowing down when I do use them (although Im not sure if my gym has ellipticals without them).

    The only thing that bugs me is when people just sit around and talk on their phones. Even worse when theyre sitting on a machine not doing anything except talk on their phone. I could be using that and they could be at home. Just sayin
  • jackiejax1981
    jackiejax1981 Posts: 80 Member
    LOL. You guys are funny......I think my mind has just been wandering too much. I only notice that stuff when it's busy and every machine is taken and I want the one with the arms and too many ppl r on it not using it. Then i'm forced to actually RUN on the treadmill. HAHA. oh poor me. pfffff ;-P
  • juliecat1
    juliecat1 Posts: 3,455 Member
    Im one of those elliptical users too. Well, I use the arm parts but speed i mean.

    Mine are people on cell phones. If you can carry on a conversation - you are NOT working hard enough. Or the ones that sit on the weight benches and look around. Do you sets and move on. Ive got a circuit to do and youre holding me up!
  • zorbaru
    zorbaru Posts: 1,077 Member
    i hate posers. and there seems to be a lot of them. it looks like they have joined the gym because its the thing that the cool kids do, not to lose weight or improve fitness etc.

    there are a couple of girls at my gym, they wont go on the treadmills unless there are 2 next to eachother. and they will sit on the bikes not doing alot until 2 become free. then they walk slowly and talk and play on their phones.
  • MusicKeepsMeSane
    there are two of each type of weight things right next to each other. it annoys me when two girls are sitting on each of them just talking, doing maybe one or two times, and then sitting there talking again before getting up! the gym is not a place to socialize and don't sit on the weight things to keep other people from using them! it bugs me when people get on the elliptical and don't use the arm things, they're taking up those when instead they could just use a treadmill! or those ones who try to run using the elliptical making it seem like they're gonna fly off the thing! people who talk on their cell phones when others are trying to work out.

    i couldn't pick just one thing that annoys me. sorry!
  • ABetterBalance
    People who do not re-rack their weights.

    I generally try to ignore some of the little things that bug me. But the people who do not put their weights away always bugged the h*ll out of me! It is common courtesy.
  • skylark94
    skylark94 Posts: 2,036 Member
    it bugs me when people get on the elliptical and don't use the arm things, they're taking up those when instead they could just use a treadmill!

    When I was rehabbing my knee I had to use the elliptical because it was no impact. Even walking on the treadmill caused pain. I generally don't use the handles now because I have short arms and it makes for an uncomfortable reach which can cause me back pain.

    I don't worry about what other people are doing. Props to them for working out, no matter how they choose to do it.
  • alyssamiller77
    alyssamiller77 Posts: 891 Member
    Yeah you'd hate me too! I never use the arm portion of the elliptical machines, of course if my gym had any elliptical machines without those handles I'd probably make sure to use those instead if available. I'm also one of those that pushes pretty fast on the machine. I'm usually averaging around 90-95 RPM. I have to push it that hard to keep my heart rate up while still keeping my workout relatively low impact.

    My big pet peeve at the gym are the morons working the weights like mad but then you watch their mechanics and movements and they absolutely suck. Now I'm not talking about novices who just don't know how to do it right, I'm talking about the gym rats who sit there with 110 lbs dumbbells to do bicep curls but then swing their entire upper body to bring the weight up or who have a 200lbs load on the lat pull down machine but then lean their whole body back to bull it down. If they did the exercises properly, they'd probably only be able to work about half of that weight. They're wasting their efforts and just begging for injury.