Needing lots of positive encouragement!

So, i am not completely new to this site, i did use to get on here quite ofton but somewhere along the way i lost motivation. But good news is, im back. I just got out of pretty long relationship a few months back and did not and still am not taking it very well. In the beginning i was not eating and had no apetite, but now im eating too much and out alot. I feel like now is a good time to get happy with my body. I am 19 and 193 lbs. Not happy with it at all. Im very insecure and sense the break up even more so. I need lots of good tips & motivation!


  • rperalta080484
    hello havent been on in a while but im back and im not stopping keep it going guys any bit lost helps :)
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Just remember you are worth it! Take this time to focus on you and keep you strong and healthy... Let no one stop you, It will help with the motivation if you are truly doing this for you! Best of luck darlin!
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Just remember you are worth it! Take this time to focus on you and keep you strong and healthy... Let no one stop you, It will help with the motivation if you are truly doing this for you! Best of luck darlin!
  • MrsPeavley
    MrsPeavley Posts: 143 Member
    Just remember you are worth it! Take this time to focus on you and keep you strong and healthy... Let no one stop you, It will help with the motivation if you are truly doing this for you! Best of luck darlin!
  • Tigga23
    If you would like just add me on here I don't accept a lot request here but I would love to help motivate you and let you know you are worth it I also make videos on youtube and I will be blogging about my weightloss as well. You are beautiful girl love you and all of you!!!
  • sarham101
    i'm right around your age, i totally get it too. add me for support!!